Sick Call costs


How much does your facility charge the inmates for sick call/meds? It is $3 a nurse visit, $5 an MD/DDS visit, $2 for and OTC med and $3 for an Rx med where I work.

Chronic care (HTN, DM, COPD/Asthma, Seizures) and psych care are free.

Any good ways to stop the argument regarding charges?

I've tried: Meds aren't free at Walgreens. (Answer: I get everything free through Medicaid). I wish I paid that little for medical care. (Answer: I'm indigent and you have money or Hey, get on Medicaid!). This the the facility policy and I'm following it (Answer: a whole lot of wasted time with them complaining about the jail)

Today I'm going to get closer to the truth and try: "If the problem you have isn't worth a couple soups and a honey bun, then it probably isn't that serious"

I've been trying to avoid the "'re in jail. Stay out of jail and then you can use your Medicaid" approach

Anybody got anything that works some of the time?

Costs just went up last month and it has cut down on a lot of unnecessary sick slips. Nurse call w/protocol $6.00; med copays on all refills unless initial sick call: $3.00; Doctor call: $20.00; can't remember what dental and optometry are, but at least $20.00 and probably higher.

Replies? I'm sorry, those are the standard prices. Indigent inmates do get medical cost for free, but that's it and only within reason.

How do they determine "within reason"?

Sick call: Doctor, Dentist, Nurse, ect... $10.00

OTC meds: $3.00

Rx meds: $5.00

Chronic Care: NC

Indigent: get charged and have a negative balance on their account until it is paid. No soups till you pay for medical.

The charge is a non issue for me. My attitude is, this is sick call this is the charge, the fact that you are going to be charged is clearly written on the request slip that you filled out to be here, so yes you pay, or you sign a refusal and keep it moving. (get out of my infirmary) I see way too many people in way to short a time to discuss this point. Have the officers escort the ones still yelling about the charge out of the area, and watch the rest either toe the line, or sign the refusal slip. Either way, I let them know that there are plenty of others waiting who actually want to be seen, and they calm down. Or they don't and they get upset. But I am way past the point of caring if they don't like being charged for sick call especially when I loose half my check between taxes to pay for their health care on the street and in jail, and my own overpriced medical insurance. Not trying to get snarky here at all but...don't sweat the small stuff. Hope this helps.

Looks like my inmates don't know how good they have it, cost-wise. We will also run a credit on the account and pay for medical as soon as funds hit. But the soup is soooo important to them.

Specializes in Cardiac, ER, Pediatrics, Corrections.

Ours is 3.00 for acute sick visits. Even if they get meds. If it's an ongoing condition, there is no charge

Specializes in Cardiac, ER, Pediatrics, Corrections.

I also find it comical that they can't afford Tylenol on commissary, yet they bought a case of ramen..smh

I have done the the 'this is jail/prison, don't break the law and you can use Medicaid'. It works on some

$5.00 for medical kite;no charge for chronic care disease, no charge for psych, not charged for same issue in 30 days. $1.00 per dose for OTC meds, no one not seen due to lack of $$ on books. I would never defend or rationalize the cost verbally with the patients. This is the cost. Thank you.

Our county just passed an ordinance to charge $15.00 per day for jail custody. The cost is assessed at sentencing. Probation is not effected by lack of payments. I think they are going to have a tough time collecting.

I've started carrying a small sign that says "Sick Call $3" with a cute picture on it. It has cut down on the arguing significantly and the guys who see me are sick enough that they are willing to pay it.

It was $5 for sick call and $1 for each med ordered when I worked in a state prison. No one ever complained to me about it that much.

Specializes in Rural, Midwifery, CCU, Ortho, Telemedicin.

Ours is $5.00 across the board. Some prisons charge on everything and let the inmate protest; others almost don't charge on anything and others follow the rule of charge except for chronic care, return appointments and emergencies. When I worked in appeals for this half the appeals were real, others were outright waste of time, and others were manipulation gone bad in that the charge went in when they had money and then they were left short to pay for their commissary.

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