After reading and listening to the news about staff taking nude photos of residents at Waddell Nursing Home in Galax Virginia, I am sickened by the thought of how anyone could do something like this. Two staff members (CNA's) took nude photos of residents without their knowledge. Police are unsure yet if the photos actually made it on the internet. As a nurse, I am wondering how do I protect my residents from this where I work? At least 99.9% of the staff where I work have cell phones with cameras on them, and how easy would it be for someone to snap a picture without the nurse or supervisor's knowledge. Our policy is that cell phones are to be turned off or placed on vibrate while in the building, but I think that I'll just suggest that cell phones not be allowed in the building. If there is an emergency, staff can be contacted by the facility phone. I just can't stand the idea of my resident's being violated in this manner. Anyone else have any feelings on this?