Published Nov 10, 2012
2 Posts
I'm starting my nursing prerequisites at my local community college in the Spring. I only need to take Psycology, Microbiology, A&P I, and a computer course. When classes start I will have a newborn baby; 7 weeks old. The computer and Psycology course I have registered for to take online. When I had talked to my councilor she had advised me that it would be much better if I took the science courses at the school. Which by the way is 40 minutes away. I can take the A&P I and Micro class Mondays and Wednesdays from 8-3pm and take my other courses online. My thing is, I'm a first time mom who will have a 7 week old baby who will up all night. Since I will be home anyways with the her, I have all that time to study for my classes. I have all the support I need for the baby, ex: someone to watch her and all while I'm at school. I just don't want to fail or hurt my 3.9 GPA. Has anyone taking A&P I and MIcro online? How hard was it? What do you think I should do?
herring_RN, ASN, BSN
3,651 Posts
I think regarding anatomy the lab would include learning with a skeleton and dissecting a cat. (Most community colleges do this).
Physiology I think is best in a class too. I use the understanding of physiology I learned in class all the time. My patients are better for it.
Microbiology requires a lab too. Finding your "unknown" gives valuable experience.
I truly think dedicated time for learning the background basics, the opportunity to as questions and share with fellow students, and the lab experiences are important.
Can you just take the computer and psych classes now and the others when your beby is a bit older.
Whether on line or at school full time school will take your attention away from your child. If possible I think it better to take classes part time and enjoy your baby.
If you have to go full time it's OK. Just so much harder.
Understand this is just my opinion. I stayed an LVN and returned to school when my kids were in high school.
4 Posts
A&P is a really hard class, I took it in at my local community college. I had classmates that started taking it online but dropped out in order to save their GPA. They said they would never recommend it. Good luck! Enjoy your little one, they do not stay small for long...I have give.
449 Posts
In class is what I would recommend.
147 Posts
With a 7 week old, you will most likely be exhausted even with a support system. A&P and Micro are extremely difficult classes on their own. Were you thinking of taking all 4 together? Even in the best of situations that would be tough. I'm not sure you would even be able to take them online without the lab component. They really go hand in hand.
I am not trying to discourage you, but it sounds overwhelming. I would do my best to give yourself the time you need with your new little one and break up the classes into manageable sessions. Can you take 1 online class with one science on campus at a time? That's as much as I'd recommend taking on with a newborn.
Good luck!
496 Posts
First off congrats on the baby!
I am taking my micro class now as a hybrid. The lecture is online and my lab is at the school one day a week. I actually like it better than the traditional class. My homework are different activities online relating to my reading assignments in the book. I feel like the online component is more convenient and helps me retain the info better. Our exams have to be taken at the testing center which is proctored with unlimited time. Our professor also holds meetings twice a week online via a webcam to give us a lecture with a ppt and answers any questions we have. I think this delivery of a class has helped me learn the material better and gives me more flexibility since I have a 14 month old to take care of.
144 Posts
In class for the sciences for extra support if you can? "CONGRADS" on your baby!
peachshan, BSN, RN
342 Posts
I am currently taking A&P lecture online and the lab at my school. I decided to take it this way because I work full time as a teacher and I have a 18 month old. I didn't want to have to be away from my son two nights a week and put a lot of responsibility on my husband right now. He will eventually have enough when I start nursing school! The way my class is set up is that I have to read the material because even though he gives us notes, 9 times out of 10 the material from the book will show up on the quizzes and tests. Plus, I study when my son is sleep. If you can handle doing online work and you can stay on top of doing the work, then you can try and take it. Good Luck!
108 Posts
A&P and micro-biology are intense classes and I think that you will miss out on valuable learning experiences if you don't take the class in-person with the lab. Under the most ideal circumstances (full-time student with no children/work obligations) the curriculum you have laid out would be challenging. Two sciences in the same semester is a challenge -- don't let anyone tell you otherwise.
I am not trying to discourage you, I am just trying to be realistic. I personally took a semester off when I had my second child last year. Your class schedule alone will be demanding, throwing a newborn into the mix will really only increase the demand. They are only little once. My .02? Take the semester off and enjoy your new baby. :)
SopranoKris, MSN, RN, NP
3,152 Posts
Congrats on the new baby!
I would either advise biting the bullet and taking your A&P and Micro in person or postponing them until your baby is older and you feel more comfortable having someone to care for him/her while you're in school. You cannot get the same experience from lab at home, it just doesn't work.