Published Sep 28, 2008
2 Posts
Hello all!! Im a 21 year old nursing student in alabama. I am having some issues with Nursing school and I really need some advice. I am married and have a 2 year old son. I got into Nursing school this past August and now I feel that this is not for me. I failed my first med-surg test and the teacher tells me that bringing the 66 up to an 80 just to pass would be difficult and would take alot of time. What she didnt understand was that I studied so hard for that first test and I still didnt pass. My child is not in daycare so when Im not in class he is with me and my study time is limited and I will not sacrifice my son for nursing school. While im in class my mother and grandmother in law keep my son. And neither one of the can keep him for clinicals. Im in a major dilemma. We start working 13 hour shifts at the hospital on thursday and I still havent made arrangements for my child. Daycare is not an option because we cant afford it. Not only that But at this point I just dont think nursing is for me. i should have realized this when had to repeat both A&P 1 and 2. I really just want to quit. I dont really like it and Im struggling. Im so worn out by the stress of this all. My husband is suffering from this also. He says that I should take just two days a week and forget about the stress and school all together but he doesnt understand that that is impossible to do while in nursing school. He sees my suffering. Im not eating right, I've never had skin problems and now Im having to go see a dermatologist. What do I do? I just cant handle much more...
111 Posts
Sounds like you've already answered your own question. I didn't see one positive thought about nursing school in the post.
chenoaspirit, ASN, RN
1,010 Posts
If you are unhappy with nursing school and "dont think its for you" and "You just really want to quit", then those comments should guide you with your decision. If you hate it now, you will also hate it once you graduate and become a nurse. Right now you are just getting a taste of what it will be like. But on the other hand, you are just getting started, it takes a few tests to actually get the hang of how to take a nursing test. Nursing school is hard and stressful. It depends on if your desire is to be a nurse or not. Have you thought about a different career? Sit down and think about your likes and dislikes, goals, what you want out of life...then go and talk with an advisor at the school. Maybe they can help you decide on a career that you will be happy with. Good luck.
Just re-read my post and I'm sorry that I didn't seem supportive. I should have asked you if there are any positives or things that you really like! You need to weight the pro's and con's before you make the decision to cut out.
It's not easy and it's really stressful. (I know what you're going through- I'm also a student in my first semester!!!)
Like you, there are somedays where I question if nursing is for me. But then I remember why I'm getting into nursing.. To care for people. If there is a deep burn inside you to help people, then try your hardest to tough it out! It's going to be hard. You're going to stress. You're going to cry. But there are ways it can be done!!!
I'm fortunate enough to be a good test taker. The problem with these tests is you can study until you are blue in the face, but you have to pick the BEST right answer. Not just the right answer. I know our skills lab and instructors have videos available to help you with test taking skills.
Good luck with your decision.
Texas Tornado
51 Posts
It is ok not to continue with nursing school. It may not be for you at this time, or may not be for you at anytime. That is ok. There is no shame in trying something and not have it work out the way you hoped.
You are young. Nursing school is not a now or never career - it will be around if you decide to pursue it at a later date. However right now it sounds like your health and your family is more important to you and I think we can all understand and respect that.
This is not a right or wrong decision, but rather it is about what is best for you. I wish you luck in whatever you decide. :icon_hug:
Meriwhen, ASN, BSN, MSN, RN
4 Articles; 7,907 Posts
It is ok not to continue with nursing school. It may not be for you at this time, or may not be for you at anytime. That is ok. There is no shame in trying something and not have it work out the way you hoped. You are young. Nursing school is not a now or never career – it will be around if you decide to pursue it at a later date. However right now it sounds like your health and your family is more important to you and I think we can all understand and respect that. This is not a right or wrong decision, but rather it is about what is best for you. I wish you luck in whatever you decide. :icon_hug:
You are young. Nursing school is not a now or never career – it will be around if you decide to pursue it at a later date. However right now it sounds like your health and your family is more important to you and I think we can all understand and respect that.
I agree. Perhaps this is not the best time for you to be going through nursing school, with a young toddler at home and being unable to afford childcare, as well as you not being able to handle the stress well now. There's nothing wrong with waiting until later to go back, when you feel you're ready. Maybe that will be when your son is in school (that will ease some of the daycare burden)...or maybe it won't be until years after that. Only you can decide though.
I will tell you one thing: what nursing school is like now, is what it will be what it's like when you return...and as you progress through the program, it gets more intense. So if you are so unhappy, I also think you should take some time to consider if nursing is the career you really want. And it's fine if you're going into it for the financial reasons just as much as for the altruistic ones.
Point being, if nursing is what you really want to do, even though NS will be hard, you will adapt and thrive and maybe even learn to love (or at least like...or even just be OK with) it. But if you don't really want to do nursing--and there's no shame in admitting that--NS will just make you more and more miserable each day.
Just something for you to ponder. Good luck.
angel337, MSN, RN
899 Posts
you have alot on your plate. and you already said "i will not sacrifice my son for nursing school" you have answered your own question. i did not have a family when i was in school and i don't know if i would have made it if i did. nursing school is a huge committment and i can imagine it must be hard to study and take care of your son at the same time. maybe this is the wrong time for you. once your son is older and in kindergarten maybe you can consider going back. good luck with your decision.
22 Posts
i'm in pre-nursing right now, but i can understand what you're going through.
i'm 46 and going back to school now that my youngest is 14 yrs old. it's just the right time for me, so maybe in time you'll go back to school too.
it's so hard when you have little ones at home to care for. you might just put your nursing on the back burner for now.
i hope things work out for you either way.....:heartbeat
4 Posts
Hi, I am in school for MA , I am trying to find the deffrence between a nursing assistant and a MA ??? I am going out for my 6 weeks of intership in Nov and found what seems to be a good site but it asks for a nursing assisant....
thank you,
beachbound 1023
TopazLover, BSN, RN
1 Article; 728 Posts
As others have said, you have the answer for you now. That does not mean you have wasted your time or energy. Look into a CNA class if you like some of the things nursing has to offer. There are many options in the field if you like the field. If you don't chalk it up to great experience to know what is not right for you. It could be just now or it could be just not the right fit ever. You don't need to make that decision now.
I think when your child is older you will have a better shot at passing the classes as any normal toddler needs lots of attention. It is hard to do stop and go studying and financial stresses will not help your situation.
Wait for a few years if your really want to be a nurse, there will be time to achieve this. Best wishes.
SuesquatchRN, BSN, RN
10,263 Posts
Nursing isn't for everyone. And if it isn't for you that isn't a failure, it's just who you are. Or are not. :)
261 Posts
TOO MUCH STRESS! TOO MUCH STRESS!! You WILL NOT succeed in nsg school with sooo much stress. Leave now, eliminate your stress, then come back l8r when things are a bit easier.