Shift work Insomnia

Nurses General Nursing


Specializes in Acute Medicine/ Palliative.

Any suggestions as to how the heck I can get some sleep?

I work 2 Days, 2 Nights (12 hour shifts) and the get 5 off. I am so screwed up! I wake at 0100, 0200 and 0300 and then cant get back to sleep on my days off or I cant fall asleep at all! Can you offer nay words of advice? Much much much appreciated!

Specializes in school nursing, ortho, trauma.

I worked that way for quite a while until i finally told them I had enough. The sleep issue was the biggest. I found that sleeping at night afer my day shifts was pretty easy - but it sleeping during the day that was tough for me. A set of room darkkening shades and some comfortable earplugs helped (even better after I discovered those machines that make the white noise). On a very rare occasion, I would take one 25 mg Benadryl tab -but no more than that and only if I could still theoretically sleep for at least 4-5 hours.

I hope you and your circadian rhythm can find peace... and pleasant dreams!

I did a part time job in addition to my regular job, for a couple of years. My hours were bad, too.

Sometimes I had like 5-7 hours inbetween the two jobs to get some sleep.

An Excedrin PM......ONE, a fan blowing in the room to drown out street noise and I did pretty good.

Make your room as dark as possible and have the temperature just right for your comfort level.

I would suggest one shift or the other. Even though it has been said that working nights maybe detrimental to your health, I believe that working straight nights versus shift work is much healthier.


Specializes in Med/Surge, Private Duty Peds.

i agree it has to be one shift or the other, years ago when i worked those types shifts, i had major insomnia and finally had to switch to just one shift.

now i work 11-7 7on/7 off. i find that if i lay down abot 9;30 am sleep till 5;30 pm, it works better for me, also when i need it, i take a 5-10 mg ambien , but very rarely.

i keep my room totally dark, have a ceiling fan and table top fan on, and that helps drown out noise, also i take nice warm bath and drink a cup of chamamille tea, it helps to relieve tension.

hope this helps.

nurse hobbit:mad:

Specializes in NICU.
I would suggest one shift or the other. Even though it has been said that working nights maybe detrimental to your health, I believe that working straight nights versus shift work is much healthier.


Agree 100%

Specializes in Acute Medicine/ Palliative.

THanks for the reply all. I do not have a choice at this time as I am in my final Preceptorship for my BSN. So, until May 4th, this is my rotation. THanks again tho, I dunno what I will do to get through!:rolleyes:

Specializes in CV Surgery Step-down.
THanks for the reply all. I do not have a choice at this time as I am in my final Preceptorship for my BSN. So, until May 4th, this is my rotation. THanks again tho, I dunno what I will do to get through!:rolleyes:

My life will be the same in a few weeks! Two days of school, two days of 7p-7a preceptorship and one day of working (day) on the weekend. I am going to die!!! I'm mostly worried about my grades suffering. Sleep will take priority, not studying:uhoh3: !

Specializes in NICU.
THanks for the reply all. I do not have a choice at this time as I am in my final Preceptorship for my BSN. So, until May 4th, this is my rotation. THanks again tho, I dunno what I will do to get through!:rolleyes:

Oh geez, that really sucks! I'm so sorry - but at least this isn't permanent. And you know, when you start working, you might get the choice to either work straight or rotating shifts. Now you know how bad rotating can be, so maybe you'll feel better about choosing a straight shift for your first job, even if it has to be evening or night shift.

I'd say that you should go to bed early before the day shifts, like be in bed by 10pm at the latest. Then on the last day of day shifts, try staying up as late as possible. Find a great book, rent some funny movies, surf, etc. Then try to sleep until at least noon the next day, that way, even if you don't get another nap before work, you'll at least have slept really late. If you are exhausted after the second day shift, maybe hit the sack the second you get home - if you fall asleep around 8 or 9pm, you'll probably wake up in the wee hours of the morning. Then get up, get some stuff done, and after noon make yourself take a nap before work. Am I making any sense whatsoever?

If you have trouble sleeping, Benadryl is always helpful. But you might want to try other techniques first to "trick" yourself into sleep. A bedtime routine always helps - like maybe having a cup of Sleepytime Extra tea (regular sleepytime tea plus valerian root), reading a book or writing in a journal, and then going to bed. Just like a nice wind-down that tells your mind and body that it's bedtime - no matter what time of day you use this routine. It actually can work!

Specializes in Acute Medicine/ Palliative.

awe thanks so much for those great ideas! Ill give it a shot!

Specializes in Pediatric ER.

i always have trouble sleeping at night on my nights off (esp. the first night), and while benadryl (25 mg) works for me, i found out it works a little too well, b/c then i'd sleep too long (8+ hrs). just recently i started taking unisom (actually, i only take 1/2 a pill), and it works wonders. it took about 45 min. to fall asleep, and when i woke up the next am i didn't feel groggy. i also keep the tv on when i go to bed-i seem to dream about work less if i fall asleep watching it, plus it helps drown out noise! on my first day off, i also try to get up early so then i'll (hopefully) be more tired when it's time for bed!

sweet dreams! :sleep:

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