SHARP New Graduate Nurse Residency Program August 2012


Hi all,

Decided to start this thread to post updates about the SHARP New Graduate Nurse Residency Program for the August 2012 cohort.

Good luck!



Good luck! I have a question ...when you click "View my Resume" on the "My Info" page, does it show you a weird plain text version of your resume in the browser? Or does it open up the actual document you uploaded (.pdf, .doc, etc)? I'm trying to confirm my upload somehow.

Hi lemonchiffon,

I get a popup window that keeps the same formatting as the document I uploaded (it doesn't bring up the actual document though). Hope this helps.


Thanks, Zola. I re-uploaded it as a .docx and it worked better than the .pdf I used previously.

Specializes in Transplant, Med-Surg.

Thanks @Zola for creating the new thread! :)

Just to be 100% clear. All we are submitting is:

1.A resume(No cover letter?)

2.The application

3.and the supplemental information form?

And this is what they mean by "portfolio"?

I will be submitting my application so I just want to be 100% certain. Thanks!

Just to be 100% clear. All we are submitting is:

1.A resume(No cover letter?)

2.The application

3.and the supplemental information form?

And this is what they mean by "portfolio"?

I will be submitting my application so I just want to be 100% certain. Thanks!

I think the "portfolio" is just those three things you mentioned.

Which units and hospitals did every choose? I chose Grossmont and Memorial's Residency.

I applied for Chula Vista...mainly because I'm bilingual Spanish/English and that was a preference. I hope I get in!!

I applied to Chula Vista and Memorial.

Does anyone know Sharp's interviewing/hiring timeline? When will we hear from them?

Applied for MICU and ER.

In the previous cohorts, they weren't interviewed until 2 months after the deadline of application submission.

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