Published Mar 1, 2013
475 Posts
Anyone who's used sg101 for LS2, exactly how did you use sg101 for this class? This study guide seems different from all the rest..
49 Posts
I couldn't use it I had to use the recommended books the practice test you tube and I also had a study guide from chancellors that I used to pass this test
22 Posts
I used it on top of my tcn... Then I took the practice exams and got very low scores (in the 50s).. So to me sg101 didnt work out as well as it did for other tests i had taken.. I skipped to ls3 instead and just took ls3 test last week... now Im going to study ls2 again.. i just ordered recommended books for ls2 on amazon yesterday :/ ... I rented some from amazon and bought some with a total of $170ish...
Thanks, yeah I wish I had TCN can't find it anywhere
I was trying not to go w/ the books, kind of hard to afford right now but sg101 for this one seems off... *sigh*
82 Posts
Just rent the med surg book from I think it's between 30-40 bucks. Its the only book I needed to pass LS series. Also if you send the book back before 30 days is up, you'll get a full refund. That's what I did.
148 Posts
I actually thought it was good for LS2, all the info was there. I asked sg101 and they said they are doing a revision now to streamline it- it was 2000+ pages, but 900 of them were printable flashcards, but I already finished this one with a B. Make sure you do the practice exams! And you might be able to get the book through your library.
Yeah they told me the same thing.. I think I'm getting the jist of it though.. Going through the practice exams, yes!
I definitely will do that! Thanks!
191 Posts
Get a Saunders NCLEX-RN book and you will do great!!! It is wonderful!!!!
BarbaraNM, ASN, RN
507 Posts
I should use that, too... I do have one. I got the SG101 for LS2 and it seems... confusing... over 1000 pages.
167 Posts
I'm using sg101 now for LS2, I've used them for all my exams so far and I think they are great once you get the hang of using the study guides. The actual study guide for ls2 is like page 5-195, the rest is quizzes, and flashcards, key terms and visuals and such. I love their stuff. You can go to different sections from the bookmark thingy on the left in adobe. It makes it easier to find your way around the document. You can add notes right on the page and highlight stuff to review later. I'm starting to get pretty good at pdfs