Published Aug 22, 2008
294 Posts
I have been contemplating this for a long time, and I am trying to find a possible way to do this.
I work as a Administrative Assistant and currently going to school parttime to complete my pre-reqs. As it looks I will apply to Seminole Community College Nursing Evening/weekend nursing program in January 2010.
Honestly, everyday it's a problem going to work, I hate it, it's a total waste of my time, even thought it's paying the bills. I am burnt out and can't possible see me doing this for 3 more years. It's boring, non productive and I'm fed up with fetching coffee, lunch and stroking egos.
I want to go to school fulltime and this way I can complete my pre-reqs by summer 2009 and apply to all programs, day and evening and I can increase my chances of getting in one of them. If I continue this route I can only handle 2 classer per semester due to my work schedule and being a single mother of a very active 16 year old and I only have the option of applying to the weekend/evening program which starts once a year. Most importantly, this is making me very very depressed. The people at my job are okay but I am at my breaking point. I have been feeling this way for the last 2 years. That is why I did some soul searching and decided to purse nursing this past summer, however, it's really beginning to take a toll on my self esteem. It's time to move on:banghead:
If I quit, how will I support myself:
I have a mortgage, carnote, 1 credit card payment and the other misc, insurance, cell phone, water/electric, food.
I was thinking, maybe i could apply for state assistance but I am not sure if it will cover my expenses. I am already receiving financial aid for partime classes so I should receive more with no income and full time classes. I won't be eligible for unemployment if I quit and I don't have any savings.
Does anybody know if Florida state will give you assistance if you own a home?
Does anyone have any suggestions how I can pull this off, I don't mind cutting back and being frugal, heck I do it now. I am not a big spender I just need my mortage, carnote, water/electric and insurance paid I can do without the rest. I will cut off the cable if needed.
Any suggestions will be helpful. I am willing to make the sacrifice for a couple of years. I just can't do this admin thing any longer!
I also posted this in the florida
Can anyone offer any suggestions
CrunchRN, ADN, RN
4,553 Posts
I don't think you would qualify for assistance because you are physically able to work. It is not meant to be a fund to help you go to college. Also it would never be close to enough to cover a mortgage and car payment.
If you hate your job then find something else. I know it is hard, but I did work full time through nursing school and it can be done, but requires a lot of caffeine!
Maybe you could try for a clerk type job at a hospital? You would find the atmosphere stimulating and it would help prepare you for nursing school.
It is really hard to work and go to school full time, but if I could do it then anyone can! I know you can do it if you want ot badly enough.
All the best to you.
27 Posts
Maybe you can look for a part-time job and that can help when you start your nursing courses. Plus you can always max out on student loans and budget yourself. Lots of students do it to get by while in college, no one wants to do it, but in the long run you will be able to repay it. Just a thought, anyway good luck
anxious student
15 Posts
I dont really recommend quitting your job without another one lined up. I have been in the administrative field (medical) for about 4 years and I really liked it. Maybe you should find a job in the hospital or in the medical field to support you. I quit my job to finish school fulltime but I have the help of my fiance and it is still difficult for me to pay my car payment. He pays everything else but I am responsible for my car. With that said, the point I am trying to make is that you will still need to at least work part time. Hope this helps. Good luck!
378 Posts
I know how you feel I was in the same position you are in now. I had a job that I absolutely hated and I was only able to take 2 classes at a time. It was taking me forever. But the only thing that was different about my situation is that I didnt have a mortage. I was renting so I just waited until my lease was up. But I ended up quitting my job cashed out my 401(k). I know you arent supposed to do this but I was desperate:eek:. Anyway my son and I moved back home with my Mom. The only bills I have is a car payment, insurance and cell phone which I pay with support from my ex-husband. Anyway I dont regret it one bit it was the best thing I ever did. This was in 2007 I am applying in october for the nursing program. I would be still taking prereqs had I not quit my job. Do you have any family you could stay with and maybe rent your house out and maybe work part time or something if possible? Just a suggestion:idea:.
I don't have any family members in florida. My mother lives in New York, It would be great if she moved here with me and she could help with the mortgage, luckily it's under $700.00 but she hates it down here. I have thought of everything. I even tried to take out a home equity loan to consolidate the car payment and credit card it would have saved me $400 a month but the value of my house went down so much due to the market I didn't have enough equity. Unbelievable!
I'm stuck and I'm miserable. I guess if I keep complaining and brainstorming something will happen
5 Posts
I am taking my prereq right now. I work full-time and go to school. I only take two classes a semester. But I to work at the hospital. It is more flexible because you have a lot of choices with your schedule because they are open 24/7 so I suggest you try to work at the hospital or medical field.
Good Luck!!!
206 Posts
Why not put up an ad at the school for a room mate?....maybe a perspective Nurse....someone in a similar boat....someone that can understand where you are coming from all the way around....financially and school wise.
This might enable you to at least go to PT and move forward a little quicker. I would do a background ck on this person and get a referral list from 4 people. Have a clear understanding of bills before hand.....a set price from the renter and go from there....Good Luck
2,642 Posts
Why not put up an ad at the school for a room mate?....maybe a perspective Nurse....someone in a similar boat....someone that can understand where you are coming from all the way around....financially and school wise.This might enable you to at least go to PT and move forward a little quicker. I would do a background ck on this person and get a referral list from 4 people. Have a clear understanding of bills before hand.....a set price from the renter and go from there....Good Luck
I was thinking the same out a room to some other poor college student. If it was someone else trying to get into the nursing program you could also study together at night
I was in a different situation, I didn't have a mortgage or a car note ( I bought my car wasn't new, but it was and still is in good shape) anyway, I minimized my expenses to a ridiculous degree (all my monthly bills were less than $400 a month). It wasn't glamorous, but it got the job done. So, the other thing I'd recommend is taking a good hard look at your you need all the things you're paying for monthly?
Best of luck!
887 Posts
I was thinking the same out a room to some other poor college student. If it was someone else trying to get into the nursing program you could also study together at night I was in a different situation, I didn't have a mortgage or a car note ( I bought my car wasn't new, but it was and still is in good shape) anyway, I minimized my expenses to a ridiculous degree (all my monthly bills were less than $400 a month). It wasn't glamorous, but it got the job done. So, the other thing I'd recommend is taking a good hard look at your you need all the things you're paying for monthly?Best of luck!Peace,CuriousMe
It's a very good idea but I'm not so sure someone would be comfortable renting a room when she has a 16 year old daughter also living with her from what I understand.
If she knew the renter from school? Why not? Understandably she'd want to know the person moving in better than if she was living there by herself....but I've rented from folks who had kids.