Published May 25, 2008
3 Posts
Dear Nurses,
I am a nursing student at DePaul University and I am conducting a master’s research study on nurse’s attitudes and beliefs regarding pregnant women with spinal cord injuries.
All currently practicing Registered Nurses (RNs) are invited to participate.
Participation consists of a short online survey that will take approximately 10-15 minutes of your time. This study is voluntary and anonymous.
If you are interested, please click here.
Your participation will be greatly appreciated!
If you have any questions or concerns about this study please contact
Thank you!
805 Posts
Did not finish your survey. You do not define what type of spinal cord injury you are talking about. Several of your questions made no sense, so I just stopped.
What was the question about needing birth control about? Everybody needs birth control.
1 Article; 2,512 Posts
I did the survey, but the questions were very loaded and subjective IMHO.
Spidey's mom, ADN, BSN, RN
11,305 Posts
Did not finish your survey. You do not define what type of spinal cord injury you are talking about. Several of your questions made no sense, so I just stopped.What was the question about needing birth control about? Everybody needs birth control.
I agree - I started the survey and quit.
Loaded questions.
410 Posts
Your advisor has done you a disservice by not carefully critiquing this survey. Many of the questions are abiguious and open to a wide range of interpretations. As you have posted this survey in such a public forum you are highly unlikely to get data that is an accurate representation of the population (RN working with SCI women). I am not sure what your original hypothesis or research question was but I don't think this survey will answer that question. Best wishes and take it as a learning experience of some of the challenges of conducting survey research!
ohmeowzer RN, RN
2,306 Posts
amen to that, i started it and didn't finish it ... loaded questions....
AirforceRN, RN
611 Posts
I agree that the questions are pretty loaded but I think people might be missing the point of the questionnaire...or maybe I am.
leslie :-D
11,191 Posts
i had absolutely no problems with this survey.
i sensed the poster was assessing knowledge/ignorance out there re sci.
only couple of questions i wasn't sure how to answer, and responded, assuming worst level of injury.
i have no idea as to what others are referencing...
Thanks everyone for completing the survey. I'm sorry some of you were dissatisfied but I thank you for taking the time out anyway. I appreciate the comments that were constructive. It is a pilot questionaire and I'll be fine-tuning some of the more "loaded" questions should I continue with this topic.
The survey website has been removed and I am no longer accepting new participants so that I can look at the data. Thanks again for those of you who have taken the survey.