Seattle University APNI 2015

U.S.A. Washington


Well, I know it's early.

Anyone applying for 2015 start?!?

Congrats to those of you with an interview this weekend! If you have not been contacted for an interview yet, try not to panic. As you have heard SU does interviews by track in the order of your application score. Those that are interviewed this weekend will receive notice if they have been invited into the program very quickly, within a week after the interview, and they will have a short window to accept or reject the invitation. For those that reject, they then have more spots available to move down the list until all seats are filled. They can not interview all students in one weekend, which is why it is broken up into two weekends in February. However, even after those February interviews, they may still ask for more interviews if there are still spots available. There are some students in our group who did not receive an interview until March, April, May and a few in June.

Also, VERY IMPORTANT, because there are so many applications, keep in mind that the people you are interviewing with might not be the same people that read, reviewed and scored your application. Therefore, go into the interview assuming the interviewers know nothing about you, feel free to repeat sentiments that were in your letter of intent, resume and application. Also, be prepared to speak about your understanding of the DNP. Know what it is, know the implications of the DNP on the NP licensure and be prepared to state your stance on whether or not you will continue into the DNP program. The University doesn't care if you want to go into the DNP track or not, but they do want to know that you know what it is all about and you know the legislation for the state you intend to practice. Most importantly, just be yourself! They truly just want to meet you, get to know you and see that you present yourself as professional and capable. If you get nervous, just ask the interviewers questions about themselves, how they got to SU, how they ended up in nursing, etc.. Everyone likes to talk about themselves :)

good luck!!!


Does anyone know how many FNP invites went out?

I'm curious about the same thing. I saw one person on FB post that they received an invitation but it seems pretty quiet for FNPs overall.

Maybe they're still deciding for FNP and yesterday they sent them out at later in the day maybe another hour or so?

I saw that someone called and was told that invites would go out yesterday through tomorrow... but I'm almost wondering if/hoping that some may go out after the first weekend of interviews? Of course not all the applicants are on the facebook page/allnurses, but it doesn't seem like too many have gone out yet. It is keeping my hope alive as much as it has me on the edge of my seat:)

Yeah well there's still hope for tomorrow I suppose.

I got an invite for FNP this afternoon. Saturday? So soon!

I applied to FNP but have not heard anything. Huh..

I interview for FNP this weekend. All I know is I'm stressin big time over what to wear!! I wish I had more time to prepare all this :/

Maybe I'm just saying this to keep my hopes up but... I remember back in the thread a previous student said something about multiple interview dates. It seems as though they have only sent out interview invitations for this Saturday, which I'm hoping means there are still interview slots available for future dates and those of us that haven't heard aren't necessarily not being considered...

HOWEVER, in saying that. Even if I am "rejected" I would like to know ASAP. Because all this refreshing my email, checking these forums, stressing every single day is really starting to wear me down. If I'm not even being considered I just want to know so I can move on.

I hope all you guys are doing okay. I knew this was important to me "obviously" as I'm sure it is to all of you, but I didn't realize the stress levels waiting would bring. It's exhausting, huh?

I think we all feel your pain! Somehow waiting feels like the hardest part! It sounds like they've only sent emails to people interviewing this Saturday and there's a whole other interview day scheduled later this month so don't give up hope. Here's to hoping you hear good news....soon.

Maybe I'm just saying this to keep my hopes up but... I remember back in the thread a previous student said something about multiple interview dates. It seems as though they have only sent out interview invitations for this Saturday, which I'm hoping means there are still interview slots available for future dates and those of us that haven't heard aren't necessarily not being considered...

HOWEVER, in saying that. Even if I am "rejected" I would like to know ASAP. Because all this refreshing my email, checking these forums, stressing every single day is really starting to wear me down. If I'm not even being considered I just want to know so I can move on.

I hope all you guys are doing okay. I knew this was important to me "obviously" as I'm sure it is to all of you, but I didn't realize the stress levels waiting would bring. It's exhausting, huh?

I went through this exact same thing with Seattle U last year so I understand how draining it can be.

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