Scripps New Grad Program

U.S.A. California


Hi all!

Its that wonderful time again. Thought I would start this thread for any news from Scripps New Grad Program. Hopefully we hear good things back soon! Good luck to everyone!

Maybe they will have two interview periods? We can only hope for the best. It seems really early to interview for the August cohort

Also, I'm not sure if you've looked at the 2014 Scripps thread, but the same recruiter I spoke to said she they will be considering only the first 150 to apply. So I hope you all got it in early. I was at 450 when I applied and was pretty upset when she said this.

How do you know what number you were? I'm wondering if I made the cut.

I asked the recruiter when I talked to her. She pulled my app up

Oh ok. Thanks!

What time did you submit your app?

I submitted at 8:25am.

You're probably in. I was in class, and ran home to finish it around 11 and was 450

Has anyone heard back yet?

I talked with HR and she said they are still calling for interviews and the cal should resume by the end of this week. So there is still hope!! ?

Got my official rejection email this morning. 1400 applicants? ugh... Best wishes if you get the opportunity to interview!

I talked to a specific recruiter that told me about the 150 rule they have this time, she said they already conducted interviews last week, and that they will be changing all of our statuses this week. Sorry everyone. :/

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