I am not yet a nurse; although I can't wait to be a real live nurse! So... what do you say when you are thanked for caring for someone when you enjoy it so much and are being payed to do so? I have been thanked a lot lately for my actions as an in-law passed and I do not feel I did anything special. I cared for her the same as everyone else did. I feel very awkward being thanked for what I supposedly did for her and everyone else. I am now thinking that in this profession we will be thanked often, hopefully anyhow. So... what do you say? I can't say you're welcome b/c it just doesn't feel right. I am doing what I feel needs to be done or is right at the moment. I have never been good with compliments, but it just feels wrong to say thank you for helping someone be comfortable while dying. How do you all handle all the thank you's in all different situations?