Published Mar 19, 2011
Cassandra RDH
7 Posts
Please read my post, I need advice!! please please
I am Registered Dental Hygienist took my board and past with 2 weeks of studying and HAVE NEVER NEVER studied this hard in my life as I did for nursing exam NCLEX
The first time I took NCLEX (JAN 2011), I read the whole saunder's book, did all the questions on the book and totalled about 1800 questions from book and CD for two weeks long and failed with 75Q. (was not a good plan of study because didn't retain much)
The second time I took the NCLEX, my plan of study was ALOT different this is what I DID. (studied only Questions not content)
1. bought Lacharity (everyone here highly recommends it) I only did the questions on the book (500) excluding cases.
2. bought Exam Cram and did all the questions (1250)
3. did kaplan Q-bank all (about 1500 Questions)
4. Saunder's CD questions (3000)
5. Pearson CD Questions (300)
I took my NCLEX RN today for the 2nd time, stopped at 75, about 30 SATA, and 15 pharm, 1 peds calculation, 2 audio, 1 picture , 3 HERBS question( who would have thought?), and a clip board of patient information including SATA on that particular question. I mean overall, it was RIDICULOUSLY HARD!
As you can see I did over 7000 questions the second time around. I stayed at my local library from 9-9 for a month and a 1/2. Because I said to myself I CANNOT fail the second time. SO PLEASE give me a comforting advice. WHy did I get sooo many sata questions and too many pharm questions maybe over 20. I also came on this website and saw soo many helpful tips (thanks to who ever created it), I even printed helpful notes and pneumonics from here. I mean I did everything I can, dedicated so much time studying and overstudied, but I REALLY HOPE I PASSED!!! please tell me what do you think? I cried and cried and cried after I left the building, i said to myself why do they make it so hard for a person that studied so much!!, I seriously dedicated my time and life. I am married, have a 3 year old daughter, sacrified so much to study, not able to see her and my husband everyday was painful. That's why I am very very scared If I fail the second time.
Please for those successful nurses out there, read my post, is this possible that I could fail? thanks for reading my venting
so DEPRESSED today, been crying since 11 am
54 Posts
I am really sorry that you didn't pass the first time but I am sure this time you will pass. Don't worry and be positive. I will be taking mine exam soon, I haven't got the ATT yet but I have started studying. What do you mean by you got 30 SATA questions. What does SATA means? Again, I am sure you did good. I have heard from so many that they felt they didn't do good but at the end they passed. Just be positive.
THanks smiley, SATA is select all that apply questions. I am trying but its just soooo hard right now! I wish you good luck and make sure you do more than 2000 questions!. practice alot
25 Posts
In my opinion I would say you passed! I took the NCLEX yesterday March 17 and I got pretty much the same question content you did... shut off at 75 questions, 10ish SATA, 2 herbal questions, 5 meds, 1 peds math question, 1 audio, 1 picture of a skin reaction, and a TON of prioritization like which pt would you see first.....and as of today I am a Registered Nurse!! Also, I heard that the more prioritization and SATA the better you are doing! If you got 30 SATA I would say you are pretty competent!!! Did you try the Pearson Vue trick?? Its pretty accurate...anyways I'll keep my fingers crossed for ya and Good Luck!!
249 Posts
i believe that you passed this time... congratulations cassandra:yeah::yeah::yeah:
first of all CONGRATULATIONS!!!! it's the best feelingg you have worked so hard to earn it! great job!!. secondly you take some weight off of me ....and OMG OMGGGGGGGGGGGG, I took the exam at 8 finished at 11am and I checked pearson at 9pm I got the good pop-up. and Yeah me too I had lots of prioritization of course. I hope my dream will come true, i worked very very veryyyyy hard for the second time. I don't knwo if that's accurate the same day!
ahhhhh that would be a seriously big relief for me. I Keep praying!
Everyone I know who used the trick has been completely accurate! I'm just gonna have to tell you congratulations now bc I KNOW you passed with the content you got and good pop up!! Congrats Cassandra, RN!
186 Posts
Congrats to you! :) Hi vhazard, how did you prepare? what did u use? :) Congrats too!
Hi mzoptimistic!
To prepare for the NCLEX I took a review course by a lady Renee Buszta...she was awesome! She gave us a huge packet of notes to study- probably over 1500 pages of straight NCLEX content. She also had us do 600 questions a week and turn them into her. She knew a lot of great tips like for prioritization...which patients were a priority and which ones were not. Then, after I took her 4 week course I studied her notes again and did the Kaplan Question Trainer and Mosbys Review questions. If I could give any advice I would say to KNOW PRIORITIZATION like crazy and you'll test was prob 80% of it! When do you take your NCLEX? Best of luck!! :)
142 Posts
the pop up works..every time....did for me!!!
38,333 Posts
Relax and find something to distract yourself. Until you get the official results there is not much point in rehashing and dwelling on the test you took. Plenty of time to deal with it when you find out your official results. Until then, do something positive, like congratulating yourself on having tested and doing your best. You will do your best again if you have to retest. You will continue to do your best until you do pass. That is all anyone can expect of you and all you should expect of yourself. Now spend some time with your daughter!