Published Oct 16, 2008
3 Posts
I'm from Texas. I will apply to San Jose State fall 2009 -BSN.
On the SJSU website, they mention about the minimum GPA 2.5 and "all repeated courses to improve the scored are excluded".
My GPA is 2.8 right now, and I now that it's hard to get in there. But my English was not really good back then when I took Sociology, History, Government.... that why i got all C's. Most of my Math and Biology are As.
Would anyone please give me some advise please?? I would appreciate very much.
399 Posts
SJSU ranks according to the following criteria:
1. GPA in last 30 semester (45 qtr) units.
2. GPA in the prerequisites (english 1, anatomy, physiology, microbiology, statistics)
3. TEAS test score.
So, if you have a very high prerequisite GPA and a very high TEAS score, you could have a chance. I don't know what their average accepted GPAs are, but the minimum is probably around 3.5-3.8. So if you are low in one of those three areas above, if you are incredibly high in the other two, it might balance out.
Hi Jenna! Thank you very much for your information.
My major was Biochemistry in Texas, and I decided to change into Nursing since I move to California. My overall credit hours are more than 100 now.
I wonder if I re-take the History and Government classes... to boost up my GPA this semester, SJSU will accept it? because all these classes I took 5 years ago. I think it is expired, isn't it?
116 Posts
you will have to retake those that are past 5 years, but if you got a C the first time around and an A this time it will only average out to a B, they take into consideration both grades and average them out.
what are your grades from your past 35 credits (the most recent ones you've taken)
it's hard to pinpoint a GPA that SJSU will take because each of these things has equal weight. a person may have a C average in their prerequisites, but an A average in their past 35 credits, and done fantastic on the TEAS, they would get in, a person could have A's on all prerequisites, C's on their most recent 35 credits, and done ok on their TEAS test and not get in. each of these three criteria count for 4 points (based on a 4.0 scale), so the highest possible point value is 12. the closer you are to 12 the more likely you are to get in. I think on average people with a 9.5 or higher get in
38,333 Posts
The only definitive way to find out where you stand is to apply to the program. You could call the school and talk to an advisor. They might be able to give you better insight. But you still would not know until you take the steps to apply. You might research some of the other nearby programs just in case you don't get accepted there. Hard to do all of this from a distance. Good luck and hope you like the bay area once you move there.
4 Posts
I just got into the sjsu program this fall and start next spring. My gpa was about 3.6 and the prereqs were around 3.7, teas was about 86. I asked them what the average impaction score was from last semester and they refused to tell me =[ so it really does vary year to year. I believe min gpa also got raised to 3.0 and teas to 80... so goodluck!
51 Posts
tifa where are you located?
I'm in san jose, got my prereques and everything else done at sjsu.
I'm a second year at SJSU and I'm almost finished with my pre-q's. But I was just wondering how you did on Chem 30b cuz I thought it was hard and I think I'm going to end up with a C in that class...which is the worst grade I've gotten so far in all my prereqs.
Also, i'm taking Biol 66 next semester and was wondering if you had any advice, because everyone I have talked to has said it is HARD. or did you take physio at a community college?
I got a B in chem 30b and I took it at mission college. That was the only class I took at a community college. You'll be fine, I know a person who got in with a couple of C's but the rest were A's. The thing about chem 30b, chem 30a, psych, etc. is that they aren't as important as the 5 prereqs (bio65,66,micro,engl1a,stats). So if your chem 30b grade isn't included in your last 30 units, they practically won't even be counted. They only look at your last 30 units and 5 prereques. And about physiology, I took it at sjsu and it was the hardest class I have ever taken, but I did end up with an A. If you get cargill, the key is to tape lectures and rewrite EVERYTHING she says and understand it. Every weekend I would spend about 4 hours rewriting everything, but it paid off. Take the time and you will definitely succeed.
another thing I would suggest is to take Anatomy, then Micro, then Physio. Micro will definitely help you in Physio because the tests are easier and will allow you to learn some basic concepts.
don't know what your time or financial situation is but Patten University has great 4 week-weekend courses to get chem and other science prereq's done asap, it's nice because you can get them done quickly. I took my chemB there and got an A. just another option. they have reciprocity with SJSU.