San Jacinto College ADN Fall 2009

U.S.A. Texas


Hi everyone. Im wondering if any of you are planning on applying to San Jac ADN program or are in the program?

Lets talk about it here

I think the APA manual says something along the lines of, you only have to use the page number if you use direct quotes (complete with quotation marks), but I went ahead and put page numbers on all my citations. I didn't want to have points counted off on something that small.

I think she's referring (I say think because I'm not her : D ) to the subpoints in the study guide. For example, I did my paper on sexual pain disorders, which is under Ch. 40, and I believe is in item 5. I'm trying to think of a better way of explaining this, since I'm already confusing myself at what I just wrote : p

do you think you can peer review my paper if i send you it via email?

and does anyone know how to do 1" margins on word????

Specializes in Oncall Hospice RN.

The grading sheet says that it has to be "at least" 1 inch. So don't worry if Word makes the margin greater.

Well Russell, my grade is now 83.7. I'm no longer so disappointed since the class average was 74. But no more goofing around for me.

also, the teachers said the max of pages with the summary and critique is 2 pages.

but on the criteria sheet,it says it can be 2-3 pages in length.

i just typed mine and it was like 2 and 1/2 pages.

what should i do?

melissa, can i email you my paper so you can peer review it please?

i didn't do so well on the test and i'm trying my best to do good on everything.

i almost died today. :(

i studied my heart out, and didn't do well on the test like i thought i'd do.

i was gonna get out of the program!

but i should only get out if i fail the next test correct?

becasue there's no way of passing if that happens.

Specializes in Oncall Hospice RN.

I would recommend emailing your paper to Russell since writing is not my strong suit.

How did you study for the test?

Oops, sorry. I totally missed the post about you sending your paper to me, sorry.

Yeah, I can take a quick look at it and let you know. I feel like I have a decent enough idea of what they want and will look for that I can give you any pointers where necessary.

Let me know when you send it too, cause my e-mail has been a bit wonky the past few days (like not getting Dr. ****'s message about him okaying my topic x_x).

ok i sent it.

thanks. let me know what you think.

That test was a total beast, I should have went with the answers I really thought it was, they were the right ones!!!!! On the report when we find the section in the our textbook about our paper we site the book or the study guide????

I missed four out of the first five : D

You cite both. You say something like, from the book on page something something, and from the study guide, ch. whatever item something. If you look at the example it makes more sense.

Shana, once again my e-mail is not working. Give me a bit to see if I can fix it and then I'll post again letting you know to send it. Sorry again.

Specializes in Oncall Hospice RN.

So does anyone know someone who made an "A" on that test? I know realize that I have to read the chapters instead of solely relying on lecture notes. I still think mitering the corners of the bed is as important as throwing the dirty linens in the hamper.

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