Samuel Merritt ELMSN Fall 2012

U.S.A. California



I've been looking all over for a thread about SM ELMSN Fall 2012 but have not found any!! So I guess I'll be the first to post something about it. Since application deadline is today, any hopefuls like to share their application experiences, stats, goals, anything related to nursing school? Now that apps are completed, the waiting begins...sooooo exciteddd!!! :nurse: I applied to the FNP track, crossing my fingers :uhoh3:

No news yet....

Resilience77,Try to keep your hopes up. Have you emailed Karena?

Hi Supreme154! Hahahaha, your post was funny! Nice to meet you. Congrats on your interview and best of luck!

Hi!No I haven't - was trying to follow the request of not requesting individual updates. :(Thanks!

Hi Naznazy!

Seems like im in the wrong thread lol. Everyone here is for the FNP track....


So I emailed today, but no word back yet.

Hi Naznazy!

Seems like im in the wrong thread lol. Everyone here is for the FNP track....


I don't think it's been designated for either track... :-)

So I emailed today, but no word back yet.

Good for you. It's been almost two weeks since the initial email. I'm sure there's nothing wrong with inquiring since you haven't heard yet. I work in education, so give them at least 24 hours to reply. I'm sure you will hear back soon. Have you applied to any other programs?

Hello this is so exiciting!! I have an interview on Saturday the 11th at 1 p.m. for the FNP program, anyone else??

Hi I was wondering if anyone else did NOT get the initial email from Krein informing us that interviews will be conducted the month of February?? In fact I haven't received any emails from Samuel Merritt whatsoever. I know my application made it to the school because the check I wrote for the application fee was deposited. I emailed Krein a few days ago and haven't received a reply back yet so I called her and got her voicemail and still haven't gotten any response.

Any advice on what I should do?

hey resilience77!

don't worry, i haven't heard anything at all, so i definitely feel your pain haha. good luck to you!

i'm on the same boat with you guys but let's keep our fingers crossed!!

i spoke with one of the counselors (regarding the absn program) but couldn't resist and asked her about elms. she said nothing is finalized at this point so just because we may not have received and email yet, it doesn't mean we won't.


let us know if you if you hear back from her.

noname18, maybe you can try calling the admissions office?

Hi All,No response yet to my email :(. Will confirm back if/when I do hear back. Thanks!

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