Samuel Merritt ABSN San Francisco

U.S.A. California


I am currently taking the prerequisite courses and planing to submit my application as soon as I finish the courses, but I am now working 3 day a week, sometimes 2 days in order to support myself. I am wondering whether I am still able to work part-time if I got accepted, does any of you guys worked while you were in the program? Thanks.

Hi run2savelives...

I am going to be looking out the window all day now for the mailman! I know that I am #12 on the wait list for SF.

I too had excellent grades (4.0 in science & recent pre-req's) plus a 3.8 or so from my first bachelors.

I had just the tiniest bit of prof. and volunteer experience, from years ago actually... My NET score was awful, in my opinion, 80% overall...

I would definitely be interested in San Mateo, as I dont want to leave the Bay Area. That would be great if they just forwarded everything over to them & we didnt have to re-do the arduous application process!

Keep my posted if you hear anything else; I really enjoy connecting with all the people on here who are in the same boat! Good luck to you!

PS: I was told that the wailist is 41 people long!


I applied to SMU last november and was waitlisted for the summer absn programs. I was told I could've forwarded my application for the Fall SF cohort but decided not too. I emailed Lizzie and she said I could forward my application this november for the summer 2010 cohorts in Oakland and SF.

if you did not get in, be glad. They just saved you $50k with no job prospects......ABSN grad

Do OT or Phys Therapy....tons of jobs and do rn later....wish I had.

That is a good point. And, considering that I have yet to receive an email, phone call, or letter... Well, that is just inconsiderate.

ebtide... I had to make a call in order to find out my status (wait listed) Rumor has it that letters are arriving this week in regards to wait list status or denial. I did not receive an email either, have gotten all my info from this blog/forum.

PM me if you would like the phone number or email address we have been using to obtain information.

Thanks. I did email the director and got a reply back. I'm also on the waitlist... far down the list, but on the list!

Thanks. I did email the director and got a reply back. I'm also on the waitlist... far down the list, but on the list!

Hi can you please let me know who u spoke to, so I can call in too... I am not sure how to use PM though

ebtide... I had to make a call in order to find out my status (wait listed) Rumor has it that letters are arriving this week in regards to wait list status or denial. I did not receive an email either, have gotten all my info from this blog/forum.

PM me if you would like the phone number or email address we have been using to obtain information.

Hi can I please get the email and phone number of whom you been talking too, I want to see where I stand... although I am not sure how to use PM

We're not supposed to use emails or names of people, but here is a link to the email list- look under last names that start with S and the title is Director of Admission.

For those of you still waiting to know your status, remember that SMU is...challenged, administratively speaking.

I experienced big issues with their administration when I had applied for a different program last year.

You've paid your app fee and you're entitled to know your status if other applicants have been notified also.

Keep bugging them.


For those that did not get accepted, do we have to pay $50 again if we decide to reapply? Anyone knows what we should do?


no, you don't have to pay another $50 to reapply. just have them reclassify you as applying for the next term, at least that's what i did this past term.

for those who were accepted, have you received the letter in the mail regarding "actually" being accepted to SMU? please let me know. thanks.

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