Samuel Merritt ABSN San Francisco

U.S.A. California


I am currently taking the prerequisite courses and planing to submit my application as soon as I finish the courses, but I am now working 3 day a week, sometimes 2 days in order to support myself. I am wondering whether I am still able to work part-time if I got accepted, does any of you guys worked while you were in the program? Thanks.

Oh yea, my plan B and C and D is to keep trying. But in the meantime, before I mass produce applications, I'm going to work-- work like I've never worked before. Save money for whatever I need for the year I will be in a program so I don't have to worry about working then and concentrate in school... if I could save at least 10K, without withering it away on a tempting vacation, I know I would feel less bad about the loans I already have. Looking into community colleges as well. I'm going to keep reapplying for De Anza, I'm 211 on the waitlist... but I figure, it'll probably come out to the same wait time as trying to get in over and over at sam merritt or Usf.

bluestar46 ... it will definitely be more than the 55k unless you have a benevolent benefactor. :) Think more up to 100k when it is all said and done... not money I would be falling all over myself to spend, especially with none of those elusive high paying bay area jobs. I am friends with someone who is in the program currently and she has told me that the organization is sometimes very difficult to navigate. She spent a good half an hour telling me how frustrating it is sometimes.. but I didn't care because I want to be working already and yes, I have also garnered myself a tough skin.

I have done all the work I can for now, so I'm just going to volunteer and keep applying... spam the nation! I really ~do not~ want to leave the bay area but I will if I have to.

There is going to be a turnaround in the nursing field soon, with all the older nurses retiring and the baby boomers doing the same. Everything happens for a reason....

Hi everyone, I hope you all had a great 4th of July weekend...

I called and received an email in response that I am #12 on the wait list... Hey, it is an honor being 'nominated' right?? :uhoh3:

I have no idea how long this wait list is... It makes me kinda mad/sad that supposedly there are only 38 (as opposed to the original 48) spots, I feel I would have gotten in for sure if that was the case...

I am going to email back with a few more questions... Will still keep posting if anyone still cares... Sigh.....

Do you have a contact number that I can find out where I'm at, if anywhere? You can PM me if that is more comfortable.

aldeur... i am knew at this allnurses posting thing, not sure how to do a pm... email me using the links above and i will give you the number.

Hi everyone... I found this link for schools, by state, that offer ABSN programs.

Some though are RN-BSN programs...

Specializes in RETIRED Cath Lab/Cardiology/Radiology.

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thank you! :)

Did anyone else on this thread get accepted to the SF cohort?

Not me :( I haven't heard a thing.

I'm especially not pleased to hear that there were only 38 spots. I feel like it was false advertisement to say 48. I would have not had hopes up so much if I'd known that. It really does make a difference.

I too haven't heard assuming I'm one of the "unchosen" ones. Oh goes on.

Sorry for not posting sooner. I did get into the SF program after getting very close off the waitlist for all 3 summer programs. To all of you, I know how hard this can all be but I'm on the back side of the wall now. I did develop a major backup plan to go into application mode and was planning to apply to as many CC programs as I could in the summer/fall. I have been accepted to an ABSN program in SoCal now so have to decide between the two in the next few weeks. Everyone tells me everything happens for a reason and there are many options out there, especially for those of you in your 20's and 30's. I have also heard that there will be many jobs available as the current generation retires in the next few years. Hang in there!

I received my rejection letter in the mail yesterday with the option to forward on my application to San Mateo and Sacramento. I've heard that San Mateo is one of the least competitive cohorts and am wondering how many people will be forwarding on their application? Is there anyone else out there that received a letter about being on the waitlist? I'm just wondering if there are more than ten. I'm also wondering if with the huge increase in applications SMU has changed their criteria - not officially but in their evaluative process. I have great grades all around (not to brag because I know that plenty of applicants do), but am worried that these aren't really helping me with my lack of healthcare or other experience. I've been volunteering for about 5 months, but that's about it. Anyone else have thoughts on this?

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