Samuel Merritt ABSN 2010 Admissions - San Francisco, Oakland, San Mateo


This is a new thread for anyone that has applied to Samuel Merritt's Accelerated BSN programs in San Francisco, Oakland, or San Mateo for 2010 entry.

This is my second application for admission. San Mateo had a July 1 and Nov 1 deadline, I applied to both. I received a letter the first week in November (in regards to the July 1 deadline) that I was number 48 of 50 waitlisted. This was the first I heard from them regarding that application!! So I am pretty sure I will not be offered admission to that program. Does it seem like a long time that it takes approx 3 1/2 to 4 months to hear anything regarding admission?

I don't know if being waitlisted once will help my chances of getting into any of their other programs or not. I emailed them shortly after the November 1st deadline to find out how long before we will hear anything. And they said they will not be sending out admission offers until at least mid-February!!

I would love to hear from anyone else that has experience with Samuel Merritt's admission process especially from those that were accepted recently. Does anyone know how many applications they receive?

Hi Rachwake,

I emailed today to ask what is the status of my application since I haven't received a confirmation email yet. Which counselor did you talk to that told you they'll call us in April?! I mean I hope its true...but you know what they say about things that sound too good...

I think most people just start finishing all of their prereqs before they find out...I am planning on taking HIT 204 (Pathophysiology) at SBCC for summer semester (starts June 14th).

Heyyy! I also applied to the ABSN in SF for Fall 2010 and didn't receive a confirmation e-mail. I had seen on a couple of posts that people got a confirmation e-mail so I e-mailed them yesterday to check and I haven't heard from them.

Also, I have all my pre-reqs done but Pathophysiology ends this weekend for me!

Michellethile, SF accepted 200 out of 250 applicants last year? Was this for the EL-MSN or ABSN?

The information I received was that there are only about 45 spots per campus per start date and that they generally receive 200+ applications, although that number is rising with each application period (and also depends on campus i.e. Oakland is most popular, San Mateo less so).

I subscribed to this thread to get an email everytime but I guess it didn't work. Hmm...

I haven't received an email confirmation yet and I'm worried cuz my luck is so wacky that I bet my application will the the one lost in the mail! I check my bank account every day to see if they cashed my app check. I was on virtual counseling yesterday and Liza said to give them 2 more weeks cuz they are still data entrying apps still.

Michelle, I need to take Pathio and Pharm too and looking at SBCC...crossing fingers its not like the Bay Area JCs where you need a good reg date to get in the class! I signed up at SMU as backup but don't wanna pay the 3k when JCs are offering it cheaper. Know what I mean? Hope we can take the class together!

UCLover, a tip on registering at SBCC: Send them your transcripts in advance and confirm with them that you have met the prerequisites for Patho/Pharm (basic bio, physio, or anatomy work). I made that mistake and even though I had a good reg date it wouldn't let me add the class until I got that cleared with admissions. By then all the classes were full!

Crap, I'm taking Microbio right now and it won't be done til May. I better check to see what the pre-reqs are right? LOL! Thanks Lauren! Did you get into ELMSN?


What pre-req is Human Form and Function? Is that Anat or Physio? Also, was unofficial transcripts ok?


Here's the site:

Unofficial transcripts are fine. They took my Anatomy grade but I have a feeling either one would work.

(And to your previous question - still waiting on ELMSN - any day now!)

Yeah, so they would accept around 45 people for 45 spots out of the 200 applicants, because isn't there only one cohort for Fall (SF)? That's a lot lower chances than 200 out of 250.

Hello All, I am new to this site and a first time applicant to SMU. I applied to the SF cohort for fall 2010. I think it's wonderful that there are sites like this for people who are in the same sitaution to share info. and lend support. I have read some of the latest blogs and like many others I didn't receive an email in regards to my application being received but what I did observe is that the check for my application fee has been deposited, so for all who didn't receive a confirmation email I would suggest to check your bank statment (online) to see if your application fee has been deposited.

Specializes in CCRN, ECMO, IABP, CRRT, LVAD.

Hi there! I moved, so I just got notified today! I am so excited! I am going to be at the San Mateo campus in June.

Specializes in CCRN, ECMO, IABP, CRRT, LVAD.
Hi, did anyone else get their letter yet?

I received my acceptance yesterday;

so happy and so gratified.

Hi Keuka!

What campus will you be attending? I was accepted to the San Mateo campus. I am so excited! :heartbeat

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