what is the salary for RN's in Connecticut


Hi everyone! I have been looking around this ct forum to see if I can find out just how much an RN can make...hospital, visiting nurse or Doctor's office? I have tried the salary.com site, but, can it be accurate??? Why is the pay soooo low? Any one out there work at Hartford Hospital, New Britain General or UCONN? I look forward to any input/advice. Thank you!:nurse:

hello Julie... I did clinicals at Hartford and back in 2003 the pay was around 22 an hour. Differentials if you work eve or nights. So I believe someone I knew who was doing the night was going to get aroud 25$ as a new nurse. I hope this helps good luck!

Hi everyone! I have been looking around this ct forum to see if I can find out just how much an RN can make...hospital, visiting nurse or Doctor's office? I have tried the salary.com site, but, can it be accurate??? Why is the pay soooo low? Any one out there work at Hartford Hospital, New Britain General or UCONN? I look forward to any input/advice. Thank you!:nurse:

St Vincent Medical Center in Bridgeport starts new grads at $62,000 a year working days. I hope I was able to help. I know Greenwich and Danbury pay more according to friends.

Specializes in Psych, substance abuse, MR-DD.

From all the hospitals I know of, starting base is $24.50 to $27.75 an hour. Diffs can add $2 to $8 to that.

RN in ltc/subacute care ask for 30. everyone i know asks for and gets 30/ per diem RNs even up to 35.


I'm starting at a New Grad ICU program. I interviewed at St Ray's and Y-NHH, which started me at $26 and $26.05, respectively.

Specializes in Surgical/ Trauma critical care.

I currently work @ hartford hospital and I know the start the new grads with 27 and some change for base pay and there's a 25% extra for night differential.

Specializes in Surgical/ Trauma critical care.

I work @ hartford hospital and I know they start the new grads with $27 and some change per hour with 25% differential for nights

Thank you all for your replies!! I'm now in the process of getting my resume together...I thought with the "nursing shortage" it would be easy to find a job. Not true!!! I'm very discouraged. My specialty is woman's health...and I can't find a job! Any advice/input?


Specializes in L&D, postpartum.

Thank you all for your replies!! I'm now in the process of getting my resume together...I thought with the "nursing shortage" it would be easy to find a job. Not true!!! I'm very discouraged. My specialty is woman's health...and I can't find a job! Any advice/input?


It's not very easy as a new grad with a specialty (I can attest to that). I was looking for labor and delivery and had a rough time. What kind of "women's health" are you looking for? I found that more hospitals hired new grads for postpartum and mother baby than L&D. However, I kept looking and found a job in L&D as a new grad. I work at St Vincent's and they started us at $27/hr. Shift diffs here are good too (I now work nights).

Other places I encountered that hire (or consider hiring) new grads into L&D: Yale (but often they hire those working there as a techs first), Bridgeport Hospital, St Mary's in Waterbury, Hospital of Central Ct in New Britain. You just have to talk to different places and find out what they hire new grads into and apply for jobs even if they aren't posted. Be persistant because if that's what you really want, you should go for it!

I hope this helps.

Hi Babycatcher, I did not mention in my previous post that I am an RN returning to the work force after many years home with my children. I worked on a womens health unit. We had everything from high risk ob to post partum complications to gyn med/surg to fetal demise. I just finished a 5 month rn refresher course(the course included several weeks of clinical on med/surg unit). So I guess I'm like a new grad....but, not really. lol

I'm starting as a new grad at Bristol Hospital making over $60,000 for 36 hours on nights. :)

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