Sad day in the USA

Specialties Emergency


Thinking about how sad it is in the USA today that we provide free medical care for all these folks who have never worked a day in there life, but when it comes to the elderly who have worked everyday of their life can't even get their prescription medications or have to pay out large amounts just to get a little bit of medical coverage. Although the free medical care we provide to non working baby making machines, I call it the American Express Card that we provide to the folks who have never worked really isn't free you and I pay for their free medical care. I would rather pay for my parents medical care then for someone who comes in saying I don't have tylenol or motrin at home for my kids while pointing their newly put on fingernails or calling on their cell phones or having that pack of ciggs in their pockets, when my parents who have worked all their lives and should be living the best days of their life won't even turn on the air in their home because of the cost and not being able to afford medical care or medications!! If they had to pay a nice co-pay for non-emergancy visits to the ER then we could really see the people who really need emergancy care. Sorry just venting and wondering how everyone else feels about this sitution??

I am looking forward to the days of "free" health care for all. I can quit my job and spend all day with my kids. I will be able to sleep in and stay up late (no more 03:30 alarms going off.) My wife and I are busting our a$$s trying to get ahead and raise a productive family. Free health care nullifies that need, we have multiple kids so I think we could qualify for welfare as long as we stop working and being productive. Why should I keep working hard to better myself (and support others) when I can have a better life being a slug?

Bring on the entitlements!!!!! woooohoooooo


That is exactly what will happen, but people are not willing to see it.

We moved from a country just like that to come here and have greater opportunities, but now it looks like we are headed in that same direction. They really need to look at other countries who have gov't run health care and see what the impact really is on society.

It's sad to see.

Specializes in Geriatrics, Home Health.
I do think we need to help those who are disabled and are considered uninsurable. I just don't buy the "I can't find insurance" bit from healthy people.

If you consider all of the diabetics and cancer survivors out there, a lot of seemingly-healthy people are uninsurable. I don't buy car or homeowner's insurance through my employer, why should I have to buy health insurance from them?

I do feel for you in your situation, but your is not typical. I think health care does need some help. The government taking over and providing socialized health care isn't the answer.

They said the same thing about Medicare.

I am looking forward to the days of "free" health care for all. I can quit my job and spend all day with my kids. I will be able to sleep in and stay up late (no more 03:30 alarms going off.) My wife and I are busting our a$$s trying to get ahead and raise a productive family. Free health care nullifies that need, we have multiple kids so I think we could qualify for welfare as long as we stop working and being productive. Why should I keep working hard to better myself (and support others) when I can have a better life being a slug?

Bring on the entitlements!!!!! woooohoooooo

An economics professor at a local college made a statement that

he had never failed a single student before,

but had once failed an entire class.

That class had insisted that Obama's socialism worked and that no one

would be poor and no one would be rich, a great equalizer.

The professor then said, "OK, we will have an experiment in this class

on Obama's plan".

All grades would be averaged and everyone would receive the same grade

so no one would fail and no one would receive an A.

After the first test, the grades were averaged and everyone got a B.

The students who studied hard were upset and the students who studied

little were happy.

As the second test rolled around, the students who studied little had

studied even less and the ones who studied hard decided they wanted a

free ride too so they studied little. The second test average was a

D! No one was happy.

When the 3rd test rolled around, the average was an F. The scores

never increased as bickering, blame and name-calling all resulted in

hard feelings and no one would study for the benefit of anyone else.

All failed, to their great surprise, and the professor told them that

socialism would also ultimately fail because when the reward is great,

the effort to succeed is great but when government takes all the reward

away, no one will try or want to succeed.

"you cannot multiply wealth by dividing it.."- Adrian Rogers

I know people from Canada, England, and a few nurses who have worked in countries where there is socialized medicine, and each person has told me it is not a good thing. So for every person who just loves it, I can find someone who thinks the opposite. Usually those who do not like it have had chronic conditions, family members with chronic conditions, or have been the caregivers.

I was born and raised in California, but moved away for several years and recently came back. What a difference. Some days, I feel as though I live in a 3rd world country. There is a push, and grab and run mentality, and a noticeable lack of pride and quality in ones work and customer service. Stores here look like tornadoes have torn through them. Your basic restaurant and fast food workers practically throw your food at you, and will glare at you sooner than smile and thank you for your business. It is nearly becoming the norm. I am almost surprised when my business is appreciated.

People do not care, because everyone is running around with a sense of entitlement, and an attitude of, "Why should I work harder or smarter to get ahead, because it does not matter. Everything should be given to me anyway by either my employer or the government."

I know there are people who because of mental or physical conditions cannot function in society and we should not neglect to care for them, but there have always been far too many who could work and choose not to. Laziness is an infectious disease.

Sadly, there are also many people who would love to work and cannot find it because our government has made it nearly impossible for American companies to compete in the world market, and they have moved their business operations outside of this country.

What is happening to this once great country?

Specializes in Emergency/Trauma/Critical Care Nursing.
It's annoying when people take advantage of the system, but it's more annoying hearing people whine and complain about how "their" money pays for it. It's tax money. It's not YOUR money. It goes towards a lot of different things, good and bad. If it wasn't going towards healthcare (for both those who "deserve" it and those who don't), it would be paying for something else. No need to take it so personally.

in the original post for this blog the person said that they wanted to vent and get others opinions, not for YOU to TELL THEM how to feel. I, for one, agree w/the original post, it shouldn't be okay for people to abuse the system as badly as they do, and yes it IS our money that pays for it, in case you weren't aware tax money IS our money. if the original post "annoys you" that much then u should never have wasted your time replying to it. this site is for us to express our feelings/opinions on various nursing issues, not for others to criticize or talk down to.

Specializes in ED.

I too have seen moms on welfare with their nails, cigs and cell phones, and it has made me crazy. BUT, I also know people with the "magic card" who were working their butts off on low paying jobs and that was the only way they could get health insurance. I say we let the elderly and the under-employed have the card. We will always have those who cannot work due to physicial, psychological reasons and I don't mind taking care of them. However, those who are baby machines should be cut off at 2 kids and given 2-3 years to get off. In that time they could go back to school or find a job.

If you consider all of the diabetics and cancer survivors out there, a lot of seemingly-healthy people are uninsurable. I don't buy car or homeowner's insurance through my employer, why should I have to buy health insurance from them?

They said the same thing about Medicare.

Medicare is horrible. Poor reimbursements, lots of fraud , etc. Also you don't buy health insurance from your employer. They provide it to you at a discounted "group" price. They pay for most of it for you.

Edit: I do buy auto insurance through my employer. It is a perk just like health insurance that my employer provides as an incentive to work for them.

If you consider all of the diabetics and cancer survivors out there, a lot of seemingly-healthy people are uninsurable. I don't buy car or homeowner's insurance through my employer, why should I have to buy health insurance from them?

CPhT response

You must have missed what I said. "I do think we need to help those who are disabled and are considered uninsurable." I could have worded that better I admit. I meant disabled AND/OR considered uninsurable.

It would be nice if all of the insurance companies were not-for-profit. Any down sides to that?

Specializes in ED/trauma.

I just have to say that it appears that many of the responders here, the ones that are for socialized medicine anyways, have not really studied this topic at all. Many of the statements made here have been incorrect, and 100% inaccurate. I know because I am doing my master's project on this very topic. I have spent thousands of hours studying our proposed healthcare changes as well as all of the different countries with similar plans already in place. Please act like nurses and research FACTS and educate yourself before speaking on subjects.

And if you are just stating your opinion then please make that clear instead of acting like you know all of the facts, or downplay someone elses thoughts.

Don't want to put all of the time and research into it, maybe you could work a few days in my county ER, then you would see just how much the system is being abused, because it sounds like many of you are unaware-I'll tell you that it is a real eye opener for many. The people who need the assistance are not getting it, because of the abusers. Because of the freeloaders, our elderly, disabled, mentallt ill, and chronically ill fellow Americans are doing without.

The system is falling apart, and the abusers are to blame, and I AM paying for it.

Do I think I am better than everyone else-NO-do I think that I am better than some-HECK YEAH! Usually people that know me always describe me as "giving." My husband and I foster many children, in addition to raising our own three. We volunteer every week at our local homeless shelter, and we also hold fundraisers and have clothes drives for area foundations. I volunteer 8 hours a week at a local free clinic.

We also started our lives together very young. When I became pregnant in highschool both of our parents left us to fend for ourselves. And somehow we both managed to work 2 full time jobs and attend college . The whole time we had insurance and never once had any type of assistance. We ate bologna and soup beans for almost a year. We had no phone, car, or television. When our tuition was due we usually had to go a few days without eating before another pay check came due, to ensure that our son had plenty to eat. We never one time expected a handout or felt like we were entitled to one. My husband now has a master's degree and I will also in a few months.

So... do I think that my family deserves healthcare more than someone who who is perfectly capable of working and has no desire to be a productive member of society-HECK YEAH!

With our new proposed healthcare system our elderly WILL suffer, anyone of any age with a chronic condition will suffer. Our children will also suffer. We will wait MONTHS to be seen by a specialist (no matter what the diagnosis is). And this is just a few of the problems. Nurses will also end up earning a lot less money.

I have had a job and worked hard everyday since I was 14 years old.

Last night I took care of an unemployed patient with his 9th GSW, an unemployed patient with her 3rd OD and an abcess in her arm from shooting up, a guy on disablility (due to a "bad knee") who hurt his back riding a dirt bike, and gave a pregnancy test to a 27 y/o who had 9 kids. All of them had the "magic card" and expected me to treat them like they were at the Hilton.

I don't know what the answer is to this monumental problem, but I know that not everyone deserves the same rights, we should work to take care of us, our family, and the people who need taken care of-our children, our elderly, and our sick. Not the freeloading, druggie, baby-making, good-for nothings!

Specializes in LTC.

It's very sad, I don't care what profession one is in, anyone who works full time or are retired(put in their 25/30 years)deserves healthcare, no if ands or buts! Yeah there are freeloaders, so in my opinion if your too lazy to work then no free health care for you! Unless they are disabled of course and in that case, yes, they deserve free healthcare, and all who is very ill. Just my quick opinion.....


you are truly an inspiration and should be so proud of everything you and your husband have accomplished even through the hard times.

Thank you for sharing your story with us and giving some insight into what it can really be like in the health care field.

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