Roseman ABSN Fall 2022

U.S.A. Nevada


Hello all, I just wanted to start a thread for those applying to Roseman's ABSN program for fall 2022 entry! 

I have yet to apply (I take my TEAS Feb. 7th) but plan to do so shortly after. Has anyone been accepted yet? 

Specializes in OR, Nursing Professional Development.

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One is to create a facebook page.  This link is allowed to be posted and are above.

The other is to create a "Club" within the site, by clicking onthe Breakroom link (upper left-hand corner, in the yellow bar) and in the green area, click Start a Breakroom Club.

 Any other references or links posted are not TOS-approved, and will be removed.

  We wish you success In your Nursing program!

On 4/27/2022 at 4:16 AM, myamyamia said:

Thank you so much for sharing. It really helped me. I appreciate your time cws2001. Did you apply for ABSN or BSN?

I applied for the BSN (18 month) program that has in person lectures. The ABSN  (16 month) program has online lectures and exams in person.

Hey all, I’m applying for October ABSN cohort and OMG I’m so nervous. My GPA is low it’s 3.6/3.7 (I was sick one semester 7 years ago and went to Berkeley so it was rough), and my TEAS score was low (86) do I have a shot? My science pre reqs are all A’s. I asked the roseman counselor if I should retake anything to raise my GPA and she said no. Should I schedule a new TEAS test? I got 98% on science portion it was the reading section (79) that was low for me. 

Hey !! So my overall was 3.5 pre req was 4.0 and TEAS was 84.7 . I think you’ll be totally OK !  You should be able to get the interview at least , just apply asap so you can be in the first or second round of interviews . I’m not sure yet if they have started interviewing for the October start or not yet . 

You will be totally fine in my opinion! I wouldn’t even consider that a low GPA (especially from Berkeley). I went to Berkeley also and had a 3.1 overall I believe? During covid I chose to do P/NP and Roseman considered all those grades a C which really hurt my GPA. My prerequisite GPA was also low since I had two classes in progress which they also count as a C until you finish, even if you are earning an A. I did have a 96 on my TEAS, but yours is still above average.  Also, I applied at the very last minute for the August cohort and was accepted! You will be totally fine if you apply early and rock the interview. Pretty sure the acceptance rate is like 50% or close to it. 

Hi Everyone,

I just finished interviewing for the August '22 cohort. I'm really excited, but also nervous as all there is left to do now is wait. For those of you that have been admitted, did they take the full two weeks to get back to you? I'm hoping there are still some seats available in Henderson?

If anyone has q's about the interview process, please let me know!

I interviewed last month and was admitted to Henderson! They did take the full two weeks and a couple more days. We interviewed on Tuesday April 5 and were notified Friday April 22 pretty late in the evening. Maybe 9pm? My guess is that they like to release them on Fridays after business hours in case people aren’t pleased with the outcome, but that’s complete speculation.. 

Congratulations @Egarv!?

Thanks for all the great info! Hopefully I come back on the 20th with some good news, too!

I finished my interview last Tuesday too! I was really nervous, but everyone's comments here helped me a lot. Let me share the questions that I got.


- Tell us a time when you showed compassion in a dire time.
- Tell me a time when you had to earn the respect of someone; what did you do?
- Tell me about a time when you had to go above and beyond; how did it go?
- How you'd show caring and compassion toward a patient's dissatisfied family members
- How would you handle someone mean-spirited/ rude?


Every question was exactly the same as what I read from here and in other threads. I think they have a particular question list and pick random questions from there. I copied and pasted every question and prepared for the interview, and it worked! I wish good luck to everyone here, including me. Hope to see you guys on campus!! 

Congrats on making it to the interview phase @myamyamia-I'm sure you did well! Do you remember who you had for the interview panel? Although my questions were slightly different from what I saw on the forums, they were still super helpful. Here are the ones I was asked:

  • Tell me about a time when you went above and beyond for someone.
  • How would you handle an unhappy patient or a dissatisfied family member?
  • Describe a time at work or at school when you were in charge of a group project, and someone dropped the ball.
  • Tell me about a time when your integrity was questioned: how did you handle the situation?

Fun FYI for future applicants: Each question they ask is based off a category they want to assess you for like leadership, problem solving, compassion, integrity, etc. In the first hour of the interview session, you watch a program overview/financial aid presentation. After that, you wait in the main lobby and get to chat with Roseman staff until you are placed into a breakout room where your interview starts. I hope this helps!

Hello!! I had my interview May 3, has anyone heard back from admissions yet?? 

If I had to guess you will likely hear back on Friday? That’s how it went in April! Hopefully they get it out sooner though! 

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