Rose State Spring 2011

U.S.A. Oklahoma


Hey Everyone!!!

I'm getting ready to apply to Rose State's Beginning track for the first time & I'm getting really nervous. Is anyone else applying for the Spring 2011 semester? I have 132 points, but I'm afraid that won't be enough. How is everyone else on points? Also, if anyone one has any tips, I would be happy to hear them :) Thanks!

Good luck on your test & be sure to let us know how you did! :)

Thanks! I got a 89 on my math yesterday! So I will ber applying with 132 points for sure, and maybe 134. Don't know why math is so difficult for me??? Hope the cut off is low enough and we will all be classmates in January! :yeah:

Are you trying for the traditional or online program? I'm going for traditional.

I also talked to a girl at school today who said she just started nursing school & got in with 129 points.

I am hoping to get traditional. There are mapparently more traditional spots than online??? So, I guess it is more difficult to get in the online program? The aiting already stinks! And its only been a week! LOL! I heard a girl say today that they have up to 400!!! applications sometimes. That is crazy if true! What classes are you taking this semester?

I hope they don't have near that many applicants this semester!!! I'm going crazy waiting too! I've heard that a week or so after the deadline you can call and find out what the cut off is, but I think I would be to nervous to do that. This semester I'm taking medical terminology, intro to clinical microbiology, and sociology. What classes are you taking?

Oh good! Someone else told me that about calling too. I didnt realize it would be so soon. I will for sure be trying to get any info I can! :) Im taking nutrition and dev psych.

SO, you applied with 132? Same as me! I wonder if they get down to the cut off point range and then have to look at GPA and other stuff to determine between 3 or 4 applicants that all have the same points, but only have 1 or 2 spots left??? they never tell us stuff like that! :)

You call and then post it for me :) I'm afraid that if I call I'll jinx myself! I don't know how they would decide in a situation like that but, I hope they don't just pick the one that has all the preqs done and not the ones with a high GPA or high test scores. I guess we'll have to wait and find out!

I will post when I find anything out! :)

I dropped off my application yesterday. I was holding out because I wanted to increase my math score and I did it yesterday - so I got max points for my compass scores!!! I am both excited and anxious because now the waiting period begins. Good luck to us all!!



I called and no news yet on cutoffs, maybe Tuesday will bncring better luck. *side note* i just got my acceptance letter to OU so now i have no idea what to do. Any thoughts?? I like rose and all but its just hard to turn down OU.

Fml lol

Acceptance letter to OU? Which program is that? I was an alternate for OU this semester; are they still admitting alternates for the fall? I've heard great things about Rose, but with OU you get a BSN. I'm hoping to get into OU's accelerated BSN next summer.

No news available on cut off yet! She did say there were over 200 applications! YIKES!!!! :bluecry1:

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