Rose State Spring 2011

U.S.A. Oklahoma


Hey Everyone!!!

I'm getting ready to apply to Rose State's Beginning track for the first time & I'm getting really nervous. Is anyone else applying for the Spring 2011 semester? I have 132 points, but I'm afraid that won't be enough. How is everyone else on points? Also, if anyone one has any tips, I would be happy to hear them :) Thanks!

Yay! Congradulations Jamie! :)

Congrats Jamie!!! I haven't gotten my letter yet. I am pretty sure I'm good on points, but am anxious to find out if I got into the online program (due to my work situation). We are on our way to Kentucky right now and I was seriously tempted to wait until the postman came :). I wonder if they would tell me anything over the phone??

The office is closed for the rest of the week so you won't be able to call. I'm really excited for you & hope you get the option you wanted! If so I'll see you at orientation on Jan. 17th :)

Oh & be sure to be back by Dec. 1st, because if you haven't called to accept your slot by then, they will give it to someone else :)

Thanks for the info! We'll be back Saturday. :). I'll see you at orientation! (I'm having positive thoughts lol)

Yay....I got accepted to the beginning track online option, which is exactly what I was hoping for! Woohoo!! I cannot wait!

Yay!!!! I'm so happy for you :)

Welcome to Rose State! I'm starting 2nd semester. I love it!

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