rock and hard place

Nurses Relations


Specializes in Med-Surg.

Hi nurses!

I need your advice! My flight is booked to return on the 12th but my manager scheduled me to return on the 10th (mother's day) and work the following day; the 11th. I traveled to an African country where I had mild symptoms of malaria. If I call fmla for the two days for which I'm scheduled will I be terminated since it is immediately after vacation?


We really can not know this since we do not know you companies policy. BUT I would think if you are showing signs of malaria i think they might work with you. You'll just have to talk to them and be honest and let the chips fall as they may

Specializes in OR, Nursing Professional Development.

Going to depend completely on your facility's policies regarding calling off near a vacation. Additionally, in order to use FMLA, you would need to already have FMLA approved or get it approved after the fact according to the facility's policy.

Do you have written documentation of when your vacation was approved to start and end? If you were scheduled to work during time you had off, it should have been brought to the manager's attention when you noticed it. If you were originally scheduled to return on the 10th and your plans were changed due to illness, then you need to notify your manager ASAP so they can arrange coverage and then hope for the best. This is why it is best to schedule some downtime between expected return from vacation and returning to work- you never know when a flight will be delayed/cancelled or when an unexpected illness will cause problems.

Specializes in Neuro ICU and Med Surg.

You need to talk with your manager about what is going on.

Scheduling miscommunication AND malaria? I'd choose the malaria as the reason why you can't return on the 11th.

Specializes in Med/Surg, Ortho, ASC.

Are you already on FMLA?

Specializes in Med-Surg.
Are you already on FMLA?

Yes I have it

Specializes in Management, Med/Surg, Clinical Trainer.
Hi nurses!

I need your advice! My flight is booked to return on the 12th but my manager scheduled me to return on the 10th (mother's day) and work the following day; the 11th. I traveled to an African country where I had mild symptoms of malaria. If I call fmla for the two days for which I'm scheduled will I be terminated since it is immediately after vacation?


I read this several times. Oh my!!!!

The flight back from Africa is scheduled to return on the 12th, but you are scheduled to work on the 10th?? Did you see this before you left? If so why did you not talk to your manager about your flight plans? I think we are missing quite a bit of the story here.

Now there is the case of a mild case of malaria that will necessitate you taking off the 10th and 11th for this, but yet your post clearly states that you are not even in the states until the 12th. So if you did not have the mild malaria symptoms would you be able to work...nope because you are out of country. That is the real reason you are missing work.

What is your FMLA for? Does it cover malaria? Most intermittent FMLA has specific items that it covers, some how I doubt malaria is on the list. You are right to worry. Using FMLA for being out to the country is not appropriate.

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