RN With Limited Bedside Experience - Having Trouble Getting in FNP Program
Dear Nurse Beth Advice Column - The following letter submitted anonymously in search for answers. Join the conversation!
Dear Nurse Beth,
Career decisions
I worked for a FQHC Practice for 11yrs. 8yrs as a CMA, 3yrs as a RN. I obtained my ADN because I was functioning too similar to an office nurse and was responsible for training the nurses coming in, the only difference was the pay. I continued to worked in practice as a nurse due to tuition reimbursement requirements.
I had no intentions on leaving but was laid off due to the financial crisis. I took a job as a nurse at a hospital based CAC. Went back to school, obtained my BSN. I love my current job, however I want to go for my FNP.
I've applied to multiple schools and have been denied due to "no bedside experience." I have 3.8 GPA. I was accepted to two online schools but not sure if that's my learning style. I am wondering if going to the bedside would assist me professionally even though I plan to work in family practice.
It seems as though I am not considered a nurse because I am not a floor nurse. Is it too late in my career to switch up? I haven't been at the bedside since clinicals 4yrs ago. Will not having that experience hinder potential employment opportunities after I graduate?
Dear Nurse Beth,
Career decisions
I worked for a FQHC Practice for 11yrs. 8yrs as a CMA, 3yrs as a RN. I obtained my ADN because I was functioning too similar to an office nurse and was responsible for training the nurses coming in, the only difference was the pay. I continued to worked in practice as a nurse due to tuition reimbursement requirements.
I had no intentions on leaving but was laid off due to the financial crisis. I took a job as a nurse at a hospital based CAC. Went back to school, obtained my BSN. I love my current job, however I want to go for my FNP.
I've applied to multiple schools and have been denied due to "no bedside experience." I have 3.8 GPA. I was accepted to two online schools but not sure if that's my learning style. I am wondering if going to the bedside would assist me professionally even though I plan to work in family practice.
It seems as though I am not considered a nurse because I am not a floor nurse. Is it too late in my career to switch up? I haven't been at the bedside since clinicals 4yrs ago. Will not having that experience hinder potential employment opportunities after I graduate?
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