RN or MD


Hey everyone! I'm wondering if it's possible to become an RN then transition to an MD? I'm kinda in the crossroads between Nursing school & Med school at the moment. Just thinking about both options. Your opinions would be awesome :) thanks

Specializes in ICU.

If you're looking for something like a bridge program, nothing like that exists. Most of the prerequisites for med school or classes you will need to do well on the MCAT (physics, organic chem, etc) aren't included in nursing prereqs or in nursing school. In general, they are two separate paths.

There's also the option of getting a nursing degree and then going to PA school....

In my area, if you have a bachelors degree, you can get into a PA program. Most of these programs can be completed in roughly two years. You might also consider a Masters in nursing. The salary and program length are very similar to that of a PA. Unfortunately, there is no bridge program between nursing and MD.

If you search RN to MD on this site, you'll see many discussions on the subject.

For myself I'm working on my pre-med requirements while also knocking out my pre-nursing requirements. My direct intention isn't to use nursing as my bachelors degree for Medical School. If I knew I wanted to go to med school, I'd go get a degree in something easy and then apply to med school. I really don't know what side of medicine I want to go into yet though. I think I'll really like patient care, but another part of me worries I won't be satisfied with the relatively limited knowledge of medicine I'll have (as opposed to a doctor).

I thought I'd solve all this mess by just pursuing my an advanced nursing practice degree, but I keep reading that many NP's had wished they'd just gone to medical school for the sake of autonomy and pay.

Becoming an RN vs an MD are two separate pathways. My original plan was to become an MD. I majored in biology and minored in chemistry.. Which is what my university considered the "pre-med/pre-professional" route. Everyone I know that was planning to go to medical school either majored in biology/minored in chem or majored in chem/minored in bio or something very similar. I have heard of people majoring in pre-law and getting into medical school afterwards though, but they still had to complete the advanced biology/chem courses expected. My grades were not good enough to get into medical school when I graduated several years ago. Highly competitive. I would think it would be extremely difficult to major in something "easy" and still be able to get into med school. The prereqs tend to be mainly advanced sciences. I am now working on a BSN since I was unable to get into medical school. I don't know of any bridge type programs out there. If you really want to be an MD, maybe you should go for it. Best of luck!

It's not hard at all to major in something "easy" and get into medical school other than the competitiveness of med school.You don't have to major in chem or bio, though you may have the upper hand once you're actually in medical school. However, people major in english, spanish, music, and social sciences all the time and take the traditional pre-med classes as electives and then get a sick MCAT score. From my understand from my uncle whose on the board at a state school, if your GPA is high and your MCAT is high and you're a well rounded applicant, it doesn't matter what your major is in.

Also, be prepared for the new 2015 MCAT if you are planning on the med route later!

Specializes in Hospitalist Medicine.

I'm pursuing my RN with the intention of becoming a PA. I know there are PA to MD bridge programs, but I know of none that exist for RN to MD. I've had several people say "why not just go right to med school"? Well, for me...the cost/benefit just isn't worth it. I'm in my 40s and by the time I'd be done with med school to get my MD, I wouldn't be able to recoup the investment in student loans to make it worth it. I would love to be a doctor, but at this point in my life, it's just not practical. Nursing has always interested me and I would rather have my patient care experience prior to PA school be in nursing, than as a CNA or phlebotomy technician. (Although, I am finishing my Phlebotomy certification in Feb., just so I can start working in the hospital).

I'm not sure what your situation is, but sit down and figure out what is ultimately going to make you happy in the long run. If you get your RN and stop...are you always going to wish you had pursued the MD? Would being a PA or Nurse Practitioner be a good option for you? Do what you know in your heart is going to make you happy!

Specializes in Forensic Psych.

I'm planning in transitioning to MD after working as an RN for a few years. There aren't any official routes. Just have a bachelors degree (in nursing if you're a nurse) and take your prereqs and mcat lie everyone else. If you aren't already in nursing school I wouldn't choose that route, though. I'd pick an "easy" major and focus on your hardcore sciences. I majored in psychology the first time around, because they really don't care what you pick and recommend you choose something you enjoy.

I only chose the RN route because of financial reasons - I couldn't invest a ton more years into school without getting a job and I need to work part time in med school. Also, I'm open to staying an RN if I can't/won't finish the md path.

Thanks for the information y'all. I've always been set on Nursing but my mind kind of wandered this past semester & i started researching the MD path at my university, and i saw that it's open to all majors but most accepted are Biochem, Bio & Chem majors. Although i'm native american, Navajo to be exact, that the medical school gives priority to our tribe in getting accepted. The prerequisites i've taken for the BSN program is not the same for the med school, we've taken different biology & chemistry classes. I've looked at the MSN route and figured that'd be pretty good too since you could do the same but not as much as a physician. The PA program at my school is highly competitive with acceptance of only 20 students i believe, i might be wrong. thanks again :)

ksecatero21 - If you're registered with your tribe then you would be considered a URM; and since Native Americans are the minority of those that would fall into the same group, it could work out well for you.

I made a similiar post not too long ago because I'm also torn between the two. A few people suggested I shadow more doctors and nurses. It helps to talk to people in both professions!

Something I didn't see mentioned are Pre-Med post bac options after you have your degree. I know Tufts University has one, as well as Johns Hopkins, Goucher, and Columbia. They require a high gpa to get in, but their purpose is to help those with the potential to become a Doctor despite small issues.

Depending on your financial situation, this may be a great choice for you because you could work as a nurse while transitioning.

We also have that BA/MD program at our school, but I'm not sure if that's just limited to incoming freshmen.

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