Published Jul 25, 2007
ohmeowzer RN, RN
2,306 Posts
how long did it take you to recieve your license after you passed boards ? my status says pending on my BON web site? i found out i passed last thursday. i'm anxious to get it.. thank you
1,078 Posts
I found out I passed by going to my BON website. It only took a few days although it felt like an eternity!
Congratulations on passing though! :w00t:
699 Posts
it took mine about a week. I knew people in my state though who had their lisence in hand 4 days after testing. I think it must have something to do with testing vollume...and who knows..maybe vacations in the BON? You'll get it soon though!
April, RN, BSN, RN
1,008 Posts
It took 4 days after I found out I passed for my license number to be posted on the BON website. I just got my actual license in the mail yesterday (7/23) and I tested on June 29!
Christie RN2006
572 Posts
When I took my test I found out by going on the BON website...its pretty obvious that you passed if you have a license number by your name :) I took my test a lot later than most new grads, so I got my license in the mail within a week of taking boards and my license number showed up on the website within 3 days. Anyways congrats on passing!!
nrsang97, BSN, RN
2,602 Posts
My license number showed up on the BON website in 3 days and I got my license in the mail in 1-2 weeks.
11 Posts
Good morning,
What did you all do to prepare for boards and pass? I here it's not that bad.
1 Post
how hard is nursing school. i know it takes alot of dedication , but is it like really hard?