Published Feb 24, 2005
575 Posts
For you guys that rewrite notes, do you retain more when you retype or re-handwrite? I type for one class & another, re-handwrite.
elizabells, BSN, RN
2,094 Posts
I always rewrite, with like five different colors for different things. There's a whole system that might frighten you, so I won't go into it, but being so ridiculously compulsive about it always helps me remember.
330 Posts
I type mine and also type them into my test bank for the next test. It really helps me most when I form questions from the notes.... it forces me to think about the info in different ways the questions can be asked.
614 Posts
Since I tutor folks (and I love doing it), I am always looking for ways that can help people, that others have found useful. I would be very interested in knowing your system.
HappyNurse2005, RN
1,640 Posts
In my lecture, the teacher lectures and we have to take notes til our hand breaks. So I am writing then. Plus, I take my own notes straight out of the book and write those out too, following the outline. WRiting the same things twice, just said 2 different ways, helps.
96 Posts
The only notes that I rewrite are for Pharmacology when I'm making drug charts. I don't rewrite for Fundamentals, by the time I'm done rewriting my notes I barely have enough time to actually study the information. I actually find that I retain more when I rewrite notes though versus retyping them.
Since I tutor folks (and I love doing it), I am always looking for ways that can help people, that others have found useful. I would be very interested in knowing your system.Thanks,NurseFirst
Basically, I use about five different colors for organization (heading, subheadings, etc.) and to distinguish types of info (reagents & products in a chem rxn, for example). Basic text in black, things I know I'll have trouble with in red. Also, all drawings are color coded with a key, like a map. The key is doing it the same night, if possible. I think what makes it more effective than just recopying is that using the different colors forces you to be very mindful and pay attention to what you are doing, so you don't use the wrong color and have to rip out the page and start over. No white-out or crossing out; everything must be perfect, although maybe that's just my personal problem!
329 Posts
I type all of my notes. I always have and do it for all subjects.
Every day I read all my notes in every class.
I also read every chapter and type an outline and read that every day.
202 Posts
I am taping and writing notes for my lectures and typing them afterwards. I have always been an "A" student, but only an "A-" and "B+" student in nursing classes. I started taping and typing this semester an my first test I got a for me it works. It really helped to relisten to the tapes while reading the notes to study, kind of kept my mind from wandering...
And my opinion :)
Have a great day and an awesome semester, dave :)
98 Posts
I tape my lectures and write them in class then I retype them from the tape and notes. This is my first time doing it. I didn't do so well on my last exam. I think doing an outline from the book would be helpful also. As I listen to the tape it stays in my memory a little longer.
174 Posts
I rewrite almost everything for anatomy! I refer to my notes, and then put it all on 3x5 cards. I think I have like a million of them.. and I'm keeping them all filed in cardfile boxes for the comprehensive final.
I like that the 3x5's can fit in my pocket, and I can take them just about anywhere. I find myself looking at them when I am stuck in traffic.
One of the girls in my class does the same thing, but she files hers in a separate box when she knows that information inside-out. This way she only studies the stuff she's not 100% on. (I think this is a great idea, and might have to redo my system when I review!)
94 Posts
rewriting always worked for me in school, i think you have to try it out until you find a way that works for you. some people could record a lecture and replay it over later and that worked for them. notecards and typing weren't my thing but everyone is different. good luck in finding what works for you!