Specialties Med-Surg
Published Apr 9, 2007
sharann, BSN, RN
1,758 Posts
Do you receive report in person or by phone when getting post-op patients from recovery room? Thanks!
jmgrn65, RN
1,344 Posts
phone well actually a system called Voice care, it is kind of like voice mail.
50 Posts
We get a report in person, but some of the PACU nurses will give a call to see if we are ready for the patient and let us know about any special setups we will need for the patient.
140 Posts
35 Posts
We typically get our reports by phone. Any additional info/questions can be handled when they bring the patient up to our floor.
Marie_LPN, RN, LPN, RN
12,126 Posts
PACU nurse and a PCA take the pt. to the floor. The PACU nurse gives report to the floor nurse in person. PACU calls ahead of time with a time estimate of when they will be bringing the pt. up.
119 Posts
Person. We also have a written SBAR sheet that the PACU has filled out.
2,438 Posts
We have faxed report
meownsmile, BSN, RN
2,532 Posts
The PACU nurse that brings the patient back to the room gives verbal report with the patient present.
NJNursing, ASN, RN
597 Posts
We get verbal report and if there's any additional questions I ask when they bring the pt up and then I typically read through the intraoperative and pacu reports just for any additional tidbits.
294 Posts
I get either or, Depending on how fast the PACU nurse needs to get the patient to floor.