Remembering Lab Values!


Does anyone have any suggestions on how to remember all these #s?? Ive never had to emeorize so many numbers before, I have no idea how to approach this. Ive got two weeks! We need to know all the blood gasses, every value in a CBC, plus like all of these ( I just randomly copied and pasted a section from my study guide below) - I am so overwhelmed ATM >

MCV Mean corpuscular volume

size of the RBCs

80 - 95 micrometers 3

MCH Mean corpuscular hemoglobin

weight of Hg

27-31 pg

MCHC Mean corpuscular hemoglobin concentration

Hg concentration

32-36 g/dl

RDW - RBC Distribution width %

calculation of the variation in size of your RBCs


Neutrophil segs 55 - 70%

made in 7-14 days, lives only 6 hours

primary defense against bacterial infection - phagocytosis. (kill & digest bacteria)

When stimulated, immature cells enter circulation, aka bands or stabs. When you see this, its called "a shift to the left", and indicates an ongoing bacterial infection.

Lymphocytes 20-40%

primary component of body's immune system. Divided into T & B cells

T cellular immune reactions

B humoral immunity (antibody production)

lymph's fight chronic (long time) bacterial and acute (short) viral infections

Monocytes 2-8%

phagocytic like neutrophils but are made quicker and stay in circulation longer

Eosinophil 1-4%

protect the body, engulf & kill bacteria and other microbes, like parasites.

Accumulate in excess #s as part of a reaction to antigenic stimulation such as allergy, cows milk intolerance, and gluten sensitivity.

Do NOT respond to bacterial or viral infections.


ingest foreign particles. Produce heparin and histamine (induce inflammation), often associated with asthma and allergies. Related mast cells help provide mediators to initiate immune response.

Do NOT respond to bacterial or viral infections.

Blood smear

Usually only done if a routine blood test (CBC) is abnormal. Definitively evaluates immature & abnormal cells. Some can show which antibiotic is needed.

Platelet count

vital role in clotting. Decreased= risk for bleeding. Increased= iron deficiency or malignancy

Can be tested in fluids other than blood - urine, GI fluid etc.


Sodium (lyte) 136-145 meq/L

possibly critical if less than 160

help regulate amount of water in body. Sodium passage in and out of cells is necessary for many body functions, like transmitting electrical signals in brain & muscles. Low level could be cause of profuse sweating or diuretics (excessive water loss) Check I&O.

High level can be caused by diarrhea and vomiting. Can be critical.

Potassium 3.5-5 meq/L

regulates heart beat. Low potassium = muscle weakness.

Chloride 98 -106 meq/L

assists in acid/base balance

Bicarbonate 22-26 meq/L

keeps tissues from getting too much or too little acid. kidney/lungs help balance/regulate levels of bicarbonate.

BUN blood urea nitrogen 10-20 mg/dl

indicates kidney function status. Urea is a nitrogen containing waste left from protein break down. Failing kidneys cause urea build up. Also caused by dehydration and excess bleeding. Less fluid volume = more blood components.

Creatinine male 0.6- 1.2mg/dl female 0.5-1.1 mg/dl

used along with BUN test to assess kidney function. Levels too high = kidneys aren't excreting and filtering creatinine properly. Can also be raised by dehydration and muscle damage.

Glucose 70 - 110 mg/dll

glucose levels controlled by insulin and glucagon. Low levels indicate hypoglycemia. (Symptoms = sweating, shakes, dizzy)

PT Prothrombin time 11-12.5 seconds

common cause of prolonged PT= vitamin K deficiency, hormone drugs like hormone replacements, oral contraceptives, DIC (a clotting problem) liver disease, using anti coagulant drugs like warfarin. Can also be altered by eating lots of vit. K, liver, green tea, dark veggies, soybeans.

PTT partial thromblastin time 30-40 seconds

done to determine if heparin (blood thinning) therapy is effective. Should be drawn 30-60 minutes before heparin is given.

I don't have any magical suggestions for memorizing, but I would like to thank you for posting up the list.:jester:

( I just randomly copied and pasted a section from my study guide below)

Could you post up more of it? It looks like a pretty well-prepared study guide!

I don't have any magical suggestions for memorizing, but I would like to thank you for posting up the list.:jester:

Lol Sorry, was just trying to give an example. I can shorten it!

Lol Sorry, was just trying to give an example. I can shorten it!

No, seriously post up more. I wasn't joking. It looks really well-prepared. There's no better way of learning the values I know of than looking at stuff like this. But I have to admit I haven't tried searching for vids on this- in my program, we've had our values tested piece-by-piece not all at once.

You just gotta memorize it. There's lots of stuff like that to memorize. Enjoy!

Good list though. Just print it out and read it from time to time.

Ugh, was hoping for magic tricks ;P Well here is my full list, glad it can help!

Complete blood count – CBC

RBC- red blood cells

carry oxygen from lungs to body

abnormal could mean: anemia, dehydration, bleeding

made in bone marrow. Womens usually lower.

Male 4.7 – 6.1

female 4.2 – 5.4

Hg Hemoglobin

iron rich protein in RBCs that carries oxygen

abnormal could mean: anemia, sickle cell anemia, thalassemia (inherited disease)

main component of RBC. Female always less due to menstruation

male 14-18 g/dl

f 12-16 g/dl

Hct Hematocrit

% of RBC in whole blood

high could mean: dehydration, anemia

abnormal could mean: blood or bone marrow disorder

lack of fluids gives higher cell count

male 42-52%

female 37-47%

To classify anemia’s -

MCV Mean corpuscular volume

size of the RBCs

80 – 95 micrometers 3

MCH Mean corpuscular hemoglobin

weight of Hg

27-31 pg

MCHC Mean corpuscular hemoglobin concentration

Hg concentration

32-36 g/dl

RDW - RBC Distribution width %

calculation of the variation in size of your RBCs


WBC White blood Cells

part of immune system. Mature wbc deposited back into circulating blood. Constantly being formed & circulated.

CBC measures overall # of WBC in blood. A Differential count looks at the amount of diff types of WBC in the blood.

abnormal could mean: infection, blood cancer, immune system disorder

same for male & female


Neutrophil segs 55 – 70%

made in 7-14 days, lives only 6 hours

primary defense against bacterial infection – phagocytosis. (kill & digest bacteria)

When stimulated, immature cells enter circulation, aka bands or stabs. When you see this, its called “a shift to the left”, and indicates an ongoing bacterial infection.

Lymphocytes 20-40%

primary component of body’s immune system. Divided into T & B cells

T cellular immune reactions

B humoral immunity (antibody production)

lymph’s fight chronic (long time) bacterial and acute (short) viral infections

Monocytes 2-8%

phagocytic like neutrophils but are made quicker and stay in circulation longer

Eosinophil 1-4%

protect the body, engulf & kill bacteria and other microbes, like parasites.

Accumulate in excess #s as part of a reaction to antigenic stimulation such as allergy, cows milk intolerance, and gluten sensitivity.

Do NOT respond to bacterial or viral infections.


ingest foreign particles. Produce heparin and histamine (induce inflammation), often associated with asthma and allergies. Related mast cells help provide mediators to initiate immune response.

Do NOT respond to bacterial or viral infections.

Blood smear

Usually only done if a routine blood test (CBC) is abnormal. Definitively evaluates immature & abnormal cells. Some can show which antibiotic is needed.

Platelet count

vital role in clotting. Decreased= risk for bleeding. Increased= iron deficiency or malignancy

Can be tested in fluids other than blood – urine, GI fluid etc.


MPV mean platelet volume

% of platelets in whole blood

vary with platelet production, younger platelets are larger than older ones. Useful for diagnosis & info about platelet production.

Chem 7, lytes -Electrolyte blood tests include:

sodium potassium chloride bicarbonate BUN= blood urea nitrogen creatinine glucose

Sodium (lyte) 136-145 meq/L

possibly critical if less than 160

help regulate amount of water in body. Sodium passage in and out of cells is necessary for many body functions, like transmitting electrical signals in brain & muscles. Low level could be cause of profuse sweating or diuretics (excessive water loss) Check I&O.

High level can be caused by diarrhea and vomiting. Can be critical.

Potassium 3.5-5 meq/L

regulates heart beat. Low potassium = muscle weakness.

Chloride 98 -106 meq/L

assists in acid/base balance

Bicarbonate 22-26 meq/L

keeps tissues from getting too much or too little acid. kidney/lungs help balance/regulate levels of bicarbonate.

BUN blood urea nitrogen 10-20 mg/dl

indicates kidney function status. Urea is a nitrogen containing waste left from protein break down. Failing kidneys cause urea build up. Also caused by dehydration and excess bleeding. Less fluid volume = more blood components.

Creatinine male 0.6- 1.2mg/dl female 0.5-1.1 mg/dl

used along with BUN test to assess kidney function. Levels too high = kidneys aren’t excreting and filtering creatinine properly. Can also be raised by dehydration and muscle damage.

Glucose 70 – 110 mg/dll

glucose levels controlled by insulin and glucagon. Low levels indicate hypoglycemia. (Symptoms = sweating, shakes, dizzy)


To diagnose/monitor conditions that cause hypercoagulability (tendency to clot inappropriately). Positive ddimer means high level of fibrin degradation products in body. Elevation means theirs been a clot/thrombus formation and breakdown in body.

Coagulation studies – PT PTT INR

determines how quickly your blood clots

PT Prothrombin time 11-12.5 seconds

common cause of prolonged PT= vitamin K deficiency, hormone drugs like hormone replacements, oral contraceptives, DIC (a clotting problem) liver disease, using anti coagulant drugs like warfarin. Can also be altered by eating lots of vit. K, liver, green tea, dark veggies, soybeans.

PTT partial thromblastin time 30-40 seconds

done to determine if heparin (blood thinning) therapy is effective. Should be drawn 30-60 minutes before heparin is given.

INR 1-2 seconds

(coumadin/warfarin) used to monitor correct dose of coumadin, also with PT results.

Blood gasses

Artery draw, not a venous blood draw. Evaluates gas exchange in lungs. Place on ice immediately, use heparinized blood gas syringe, place pressure 3-5 minutes afterward.

PH acidity or alkalinity (based on hydrogen ions) 7.35-7.45

Pao2 partial pressure of oxygen 80-100mm Hg

SpO2 arterial oxygen saturation 95-100%

PaCO3 partial pressure of carbon dioxide in arterial blood 35-45mm Hg

HCO3 activity in kidneys to retain or excrete bicarbonate 22-26 meq/L

Base excess: amount of buffering ions in blood 2 to +2

Cardiac enzymes: CPK, CK, & protein troponin. Released if your heart muscle is injured, leaks out of damaged heart cells. CPK CK can elevate within 18 hours after injury. Troponin specific for cardiac injury, can elevate within 3 hours of injury.

Lipid profile

total cholesterol less

HDL high density lipoprotein – Good hdl/heavenly cholesterol

male 40-50 mg/dl (1.0 – 1.3 mmol/L)

female 50-59 mg/dl (1.3- 1.5)

LDL low=lousy bad cholesterol

less than 100 mg/dL

Triglycerides are a form of fat and a major source of energy for the body.

Less than 150mg/dL

Thyroid studies

TSH main test for thyroid function

T3 usually ordered following abnormal TSH & T4.

T3 and t4 are major hormones made by the thyroid gland.

Excessive t3 and t4 causes hyperthyroidism= nervousness, hand tremors, weight loss, insomnia, puffy, dry eyes.

Insufficient t3 and t4 causes hypothyroidism: slow metabolism, weight gain, dry skin, fatigue, constipation.

Mostly NTK that TSH T3 T4 are drawn for thyroid problem.

Type & Screen aka Type + Cross match

blood typing – test that identifies blood group antigens (substance that stimulates immune response) belonging to the ABO blood group system. Nursing student can NOT do this procedure. Blood bank staff does all testing and will cross match the # of units requested. Units of blood will be set aside so they’re ready if the dr. says a blood transfusion is needed. If no transfusion, a type and screen should be requested. Type & cross requested if a transfusion is very likely. More important during times of blood shortages. Blood sample must be no older than 3 days.


If infection/UTI suspected, do a clean catch urine culture.

pH -highly acidic

specific gravity- low hydration, high dehydration

proteins- if present, indicates kidney/renal disease

glucose – indicates diabetes

ketones- present with diabetes or calorie deprivation.

Blood glomerulonephritis or menses

leukocyte esterase- positive means UTI

nitrites- screens for Uti

crystals – renal stone formation imminent

casts- UTI

Specializes in Emergency.

I remember going through this last semester. Flash cards honestly worked for me. Also, making charts for the info and filling in the blanks from memory over and over again.

Got it. Copied & pasted into a word .doc for future reference. Thanks.

What helps me remember info like lab values is writing it over and over again. Time consuming yes, but it WORKS. You won't forget once you write it 10 times. Try it. I still remember info from grade school using this technique. :)

Specializes in CTICU.

Repetition is how you memorize things. You have to figure out what method works for you - writing and rewriting, or taping it and replaying while you drive around, or making flash cards, or writing signs and putting them on the back of the toilet door...

Specializes in ER, ARNP, MSN, FNP-BC.

FYI: females hemaglobin and hematocrit being lower than males has nothing to do with menstruation. They are always "normally" lower than males before, during, and after mentruation in their lifespan. Think about it, postmenopausal women still have lower than men. Also why polycythemia (elevated h &h ) is a side effect of taking testosterone :)

Good luck!

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