Nurses General Nursing
Published Mar 29, 2007
9 Posts
:trout: I know this is strange but here goes I need qoutes from experienced nurses who have been in mental health promotion classes and know what's myth from fact and what to get hung-up about over the class. What is and what 's not even a brain teaser. Could you pleeease help me ?!!:uhoh21: This is going to go into a blog for our colleges nursing resource center's comfort zone. The nursing students need the comfort of knowing they are not going to lose it before they get throuh this class. Thanks
jojotoo, RN
494 Posts
Never let the patient get between you and the door.
Balder_LPN, LPN
458 Posts
I am a student too, and want to be a mental health nurse. I work in the ER and one thing I have learned w/ psych pt's (besides the above) is dont try to reason with them, it only frustrates you and them, and accomplishes nothing.
Something I have learned from psych nurses I have spoken with is that in adult psych you are not normally curing your pt. but you are helping them to achieve a better quality of life for themselves and their family, although for many adolescent psych pt's complete recovery often happens over time.
Most nurses I have spoken with hate psych, and many hated their psych rotations in school also, as do many students. I am amazed at the difference in how mental health pts are treated in our ER depending on which nurse gets them. I think that unless they have a high acuity medical problem that they should be assigned to nurses who want to work with mental health pt's rather than a nurse who has specialized training/experience in their medical issue.
613 Posts
I became a Registered Psych Nurse in 84 then an RN in 87. I was a registered nurse before I became an RN.
This past weekend after spending time with my 87 year old dad I can honestly say that mental health affects us all. Dear old dad has lost his mind. It is a shame to see such a nice man, so sick. I would bet that in two years time my dad will not know any of us.
Psych nursing has taught me patience and to have much more empathy than I would otherwise have in my life. It has taught me to be analytical about the way I feel and deal with others and not to be judgmental.
Loss, regret and jealousy are something we all must deal with (as well as other feelings). Another patient told me tonight "Its not fair." She's right, of course, its not fair, but once we realize its not fair and there are things out of our control that we must deal with, then it becomes easier.
These are my thoughts about psych nursing at 4 am on an active inner northeastern US city unit. A far cry from the little western Canadian town I first took my psych nursing training.
snowfreeze, BSN, RN
948 Posts
I find if I just listen to what psych patients have to say it helps me help them. Never believe they are "cured".
BrnEyedGirl, BSN, MSN, RN, APRN
1,236 Posts
I actually got my BS in Psych et BIO before I went to nursing school,..thought that's what I wanted to do,..what do I remember the most?,..honestly?,..the majority of the pt's I cared for could not be "fixed",.it was a very sad,.thanklees place to be,..sorry,..don't mean to offend anyone,.but that is what I saw and decided not to stay there.
Ann RN
221 Posts
Sometimes it's better to talk to patients & "feed into their fantasies" than to try to orient them to reality. The patients are happier & they do not get angry.
Treat all mental health patients with respect.
51 Posts
paperwork, paperwork, paperwork!
i am in psyche rotation right now, and the amount of paperwork and homework is astounding! it is definitly the most challenging of all the Clinicals so far. plus the theoretical and abstract nature of the material is challenging and is different than the usual med/surg stuff.
My only advice is, as soon as you get the syllabus go home that night and start completing your projects!
sorry for the dog at my spell check
576 Posts
Think 'Safety, Safety, Safety!!'
Don't lay anything could be used as a weapon.
Be respectful of personal space.
Don't wear anything around your neck.
Every person deserves your attention and your compassion.
Don't wear shoes with slick soles.
Take the time to find out about your patient's interests, hobbies, hopes, and dreams...don't act as if the only thing you're interested in is his/her illness.
Relax but always be aware of your surroundings.
ginger58, ASN, RN
464 Posts
I don't understand how one becomes a registered psych nurse before becoming an RN, and how you were a registered nurse before you became an RN???
TazziRN, RN
6,487 Posts
A memory from my psych clinical: on the very first day my partner and I were in a locked unit. The charge nurse debated about whether or not to give us keys and decided against it, telling us to just ring the bell. At lunch we told him we were leaving for lunch so he could buzz us out. Just as the door opened two state police officers were buzzing to be let in, because there were three pts who were being transferred to the state prison hospital. They thought we (dressed nicely in blouses and slacks, wearing makeup, and laughing at a joke we were sharing) were pts trying to take advantage of the open door and wouldn't let us out!!!
250 Posts
I actually had my first psych clinical yesturday, I enjoyed the patients so much. But afterwards on my way home I got very upset, the conditions those patients had just broke my heart, I feel like there is nothing I could do to help them. I listened to them and talked to them but to a bipolar pt in a psychotic state I doubt it did much good. I don't like not being able to help people and although I love the patients I dread next week because I know I'll be just as upset when I leave as I was yesturday. To those of you who do psych how do you deal with it?