Published Jan 13, 2012
11 Posts
Hello! I have 9 months left of my contract but am starting the process to relocate from a non-compact state to a compact state.
Does anyone have any recommendations or advice on how to proceed!
(The reason I am in the monitoring program is because I received 2 DUIs prior to attending nursing school. I signed a 2 year contract with no restrictions. My file is confidential and non-regulatory).
Thank you in advance for your assistance.
nowim clean
296 Posts
Not sure why youre moving but me, I would stay put for those nine months when you move the new state could make you sign a new contract for 2 or more years and with restrictions. I would not do it but that is me. Trust me the contract im under you do not want to be in. If at all possible put move on hold 9 months is not that long compared to a new 2 year contract drug screens rehab ect. At least check with the BON youre moving to and find out from them. Good luck
learninglessons12, BSN, RN
70 Posts
I totally agree with nowim clean. If you have only 9 months to complete your contract, you should stay put until you are done. I too have heard that some states will make you start from scratch. It is really hard to find a job here in Texas when you are in the monitoring program. Good luck.
Also you said your file was confidential which is true under your agreement which is 2 years with that state, as soon as you leave that contract is up. I am not saying it will happen but it could and you end up with charges etc on your file/record for LIFE. The BON in any state is nothing to play with. They gave you a contract you signed it, be happy in only having 9 more months. There have been stories on here where nurses were under contract in one state moved to another had to sign a new contract with the new state and monitored there and the old state put charges and non compliance on the persons licence. Think long and hard and contact both BONs to find out what will happen.
Thank you for your advice. I am still in Michigan and have yet to move to South Carolina. I have talked to both BONs and am still debating! I am very grateful that I am almost done!
I wish you the best!!!
670 Posts
This is a good example of an instance when consulting with a license defense attorney in the new state can be worth every penny. Every state board has their own way of dealing this issue. When you're dealing with the rest of your professional life, the attorneys fee can seem inconsequential when compared to your potential income over the remainder of your career.
Contact the American Association of Nurse Attorneys for names. If you don't find one, contact the state bar association in SC and ask for names of administrative law attorneys with experience before the board of nursing.
Good luck and congrats on your sobriety!
Thank you! I am now at the 6 month mark, so I only have a little bit longer to go. I am planning to move next week to South Carolina. Michigan's HPRP has been difficult to deal with only because they never give me a straight answer. They don't seem to have a policy/procedure on how to move. At this point I have decided to pack my bags and move. I will continue to follow my contract while in South Carolina until I decide to transfer everything over to South Carolina. I do have an attorney on board in South Carolina and would like to know when its best to get them involved, what do you recommend?
Also, since I have 6 months left on my Michigan contract do you recommend I finish out my contract while in SC and hold off on applying for a license and finding a job until everything is complete?
Your advice is greatly appreciated!
114 Posts
Attorney blah blah blah attorney... Yeah. We all know we need one but when we're working for 10 bucks an hour, it seems slightly less feasable. First off, attorneys are expensive. Mine wanted over $3000 for a retainer and then an exorbitant hourly fee. Job propects are super slim once you have an "issue".
Secondly, having been involved with Michigan's program, I am so jaded since I have spent thousands on more education because it is a better financial investment than HPRP and countless recovery programs. Michigan's program has turned off more than a few good nurses and until there is federal reform, they will get away with more abuses. There's money to be made from our misery.
I am about to graduate with a poli sci degree and a nursing degree and I'm headed to law school because I cannot fathom the breadth and depth of the discrimination that the individual state boards are allowed to get away with. I know this probably wasn't helpful but at least you have another perspective on the misery you are headed for.
85 Posts
I agree with other posters. Just complete you program before moving. Even being the devil's advocate here, they may even put you back on monitoring for a couple of years. Here's from my personal experience:
I applied for a license in one of the western states 6 months after completing my 5-year monitoring program in 2011. After discussing it over the phone with the endorsement committee, they decided to put me back on another 3 years of monitoring because, according to them, I'm "high risk" for relapse with that big move cross country. Believe me, it took a lot of composure in my part for not bursting.
Not to discourage you because the other states that I applied for endorsement are not requiring me to do monitoring. Good luck!
You made me smile, All_Over_Again. You clearly don't care for attorneys yet you're going to become one. Will all of your work be pro bono? If so, how will you maintain your practice?
Don't take this wrong...I'm not being mean and this is not an attacking post. I just think it's interesting the direction your life is taking you. Here's hoping your experiences with the BON and the Nurse Practice Act laws will make you an outstanding attorney and advocate for nurses. Unfortunately you won't be able to do that for free. I appreciate your willingness to vent your frustrations. I know you speak what many people think but are afraid to say. You are a valuable member of this community!
I also find it interesting that the need to retain an attorney is looked upon as somehow "wrong" or "evil" or that we shouldn't need the services of an attorney (not just be you, but by a majority if the nurses I speak with). When you (meaning everyone or anyone, not specifically you) read the posts on this forum and other nursing forums regarding retaining the services of a license defense attorney you find numerous posts stating they wish they had retained an attorney from the start, not after they ended up with a less than desirable outcome. Trying to navigate the maze of administrative laws and represent yourself when facing the BON makes no more sense than trying to do the same in a criminal case or a malpractice case. When calculating the price of the attorney vs potential future wages lost if you screw up, the cost is well worth it.
This also points out another problem nurses face...liability insurance. The day we graduate from nursing school is the day we should purchase our own Liability Insurance with a license defense clause! Yes, purchase liability insurance in addition to whatever your employer provides. Don't fall for the, "If you have insurance they'll come after you" line. THEY'LL COME AFTER YOU ANYWAY!!
One moment at a time!
Jack-Thank you! I am now at the 6 month mark, so I only have a little bit longer to go. I am planning to move next week to South Carolina. Michigan's HPRP has been difficult to deal with only because they never give me a straight answer. They don't seem to have a policy/procedure on how to move. At this point I have decided to pack my bags and move. I will continue to follow my contract while in South Carolina until I decide to transfer everything over to South Carolina. I do have an attorney on board in South Carolina and would like to know when its best to get them involved, what do you recommend?Also, since I have 6 months left on my Michigan contract do you recommend I finish out my contract while in SC and hold off on applying for a license and finding a job until everything is complete?Your advice is greatly appreciated!Lobby
The attorneys I've consulted with generally recommend finishing your current monitoring program. Every state deals with this issue in a different manner so you can't use an experience in one state to predict what will happen in another, hence the recommendation to involve an experienced license defense attorney. With 6 months remaining on your current program, now would be an appropriate time to seek out an attorney.
The American Association of Nurse Attorneys has an attorney referral service available.
Good luck!
I guess it's an "If you can't beat 'em, join 'em" strategy.
And I agree with you 100% that your outcome is likely to be more favorable if you have an attorney.
The entire process is fundamentally unfair. When you're sick, you should get a doctor and get well. You shouldn't have to have a lawyer.