Religion and Nursing


I am working on my project still...and now i a m focusing on religion and nursing....

1. What do you classify your religion as?

2. has it ever effected your work?

3. does tension ever come up about religion?

4. how important is your religion to you? do you practice it regularly?


Specializes in ICU.

1. I am a Christian; more specifically, follower of Jesus Christ.

2. Yes, it relates to my work daily, since I believe that we should treat others as Christ did for us, and nursing provides many great opportunities to do so.

3. No, I do not ever have tension at the workplace regarding my religion; I believe that is because I am so comfortable with my faith. If someone comes to me with questions, I am more than willing to speak with them regarding my faith.

4. Having faith in Jesus Christ is my number one priority, so that means it is more important than anything else to me in this world. So, YES I practice my religion regularly!! :)

Specializes in Med-Surg/Oncology.
I am working on my project still...and now i a m focusing on religion and nursing....

1. What do you classify your religion as?

2. has it ever effected your work?

3. does tension ever come up about religion?

4. how important is your religion to you? do you practice it regularly?


1. I'm Christian for all intents and purposes, but I'm nondenominational and in some ways pretty nontraditional; I believe in God and Jesus but do not follow the trends of the "Church" in some things such as being anti-homosexuality

2. Not in any profound external way, but it does make me strive to be the most compassionate, understanding, patient, and loving person I can be for the sake of other people, I try to be kind to everyone regardless of circumstances or situations

3. No, I do not shove my religion down other people's throats and I do not balk at others when they discuss their religion, regardless of what it is... I think that its important to believe in some Thing or some One regardless of who or what it is; I do not necessarily "agree" with atheism but I do not condemn or judge others if that is their choice, because they are entitled to believe (or not believe) in what brings them peace and understanding about the world

4. I do not "practice" in the sense of going to church... I am spiritual as opposed to being religious, but I am very firmly grounded in my spirituality and it guides me through every decision I make during the day

Specializes in ICU/CCU.

1. Catholic

2. No. I am not a very religious person but I do respect the beliefs of my patients. If my patients wish for me to pray with them than I will. I understand how powerful a force religion is for many.

3. No. I actually enjoy learning about the many beliefs of the diverse workforce in my hospital. I find it interesting that many facets of their beliefs are similar yet they consider themselves very different from each other.

4. As I have said I am not a very religious person so it is not very important to me.

i am working on my project still...and now i a m focusing on religion and nursing....

1. what do you classify your religion as?

2. has it ever effected your work?

3. does tension ever come up about religion?

4. how important is your religion to you? do you practice it regularly?

please respond! my grade depends on it!!!

1. i am an atheist.

2. no.

3. no.

4. i respect all people. i have my personal thoughts about why they need religion in their lives and i try to respect them. i expect respect for my belief in return.

i would like to point out i work in a catholic hospital. some of the very religious nurses will refuse to take care of muslim and buddhist patients.

Specializes in Psych, EMS.

[color=#48d1cc]1. what do you classify your religion as? agnostic

2. has it ever effected your work? sure, i think it allows me to be non-judgmental and open-minded with pts, as i respect and consider all points of views

[color=#48d1cc]3. does tension ever come up about religion? not so far

4. how important is your religion to you? do you practice it regularly? it is very important to me to be secular and defend separation of church and state. i don't have an organized religion to practice.

Specializes in SDU, Tele.

i would like to point out i work in a catholic hospital. some of the very religious nurses will refuse to take care of muslim and buddhist patients.

w:eek:w. that is wicked. :twocents:

I am working on my project still...and now i a m focusing on religion and nursing....

1. What do you classify your religion as?

2. has it ever effected your work?

3. does tension ever come up about religion?

4. how important is your religion to you? do you practice it regularly?


!. I classify myself as a follower of Jesus

2. Yes, in the way I interact with people. I can't stand bible thumpers. I believe a person's spirituality will reflect in the way they deal with everyday hassles etc. in their life and if someone asks, then I will talk with them about my beliefs.

3. Actually no, I work in a multicultural environment and we sometimes talk about our belief systems but it has never affected the way we work together.

4. Although I do not subscribe to any one particular church, I do practice meditation and prayer on a regular basis.

Specializes in Med-Surg.

1. What do you classify your religion as? Christian, although I find no one denomination really "fits" me.

2. has it ever effected your work? Yes, but only positively. Many times I have comforted a patient with prayer. I confess to praying during codes or stressful situations. Non-believers may scoff, but at the very least, it centers me so I can focus on what I need to do. (and no, I don't drop down on both knees during codes. Just a quick mental "Lord help me" might be all I have time for, but it is enough)

3. does tension ever come up about religion? Never, but I always wait to see if a patient is of similiar faith before revealing mine. I do understand belief in God can make others uncomfortable if they do not share those beliefs.

4. how important is your religion to you? do you practice it regularly? Very important. I pray and read my Bible reg., and listen to christian music. I don't attend church as I should, but it is difficult to do so when working everyother weekend.

Specializes in Hospice, corrections, psychiatry, rehab, LTC.

1. What do you classify your religion as?


has it ever effected your work?

It has taught me to be more accepting and tolerant of others, and it has prompted me to broaden my understanding of different cultures and belief systems.

does tension ever come up about religion?

No. My religion is not evangelistic. I will discuss it if people are curious (and they often are), but I don't push it on people.

how important is your religion to you? do you practice it regularly?

It is a central part of my life. The Baha'i Faith has no ordained clergy, so the exploration and expression of it is very personal. The Faith also teaches that work done in the spirit of service is the highest form of worship - so given that context, I practice it on a daily basis even while at work.

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