Published Sep 3, 2005
teeituptom, BSN, RN
4,283 Posts
Well we are already getting refugees here in Dallas and north dallas areas from Katrina victims in our ERs in the area. There are a lot of people who are going to need help. Are your ERs ready.
Now this is a ER thread, dont move it elsewhere
Full Moon ER Nurse
2 Posts
Well we are already getting refugees here in Dallas and north dallas areas from Katrina victims in our ERs in the area. There are a lot of people who are going to need help. Are your ERs ready.Now this is a ER thread, dont move it elsewhere
Lord I hope so. I have been in constant contact with our ED manager, as we are just north of Dallas. I am scheduled to work tonite and am very concerned about what we may face. I feel like our resources are always already maxed, so I pray we can do justice to the people seeking help from us from the hurricane.
512 Posts
I am an LPN student in clinicals in the Atlanta area. I expect that when we return to our hospital site on Tuesday, we will be treating some of the refugees. We were told to expect it when we left Thursday. I just hope I can be of service to them.
They are being brought in by busfulls up here north of Dallas, Im sure Dallas is getting even a lot more. So far a lot of help from the community. Drug stores like Walgreens and others filling prescriptions for Karina Vics without charge, etc. People opening up their homes, Free medical and screening clinics set up.Those thar need further care are being sent to the various local hosps in a rotating fashion for further work up and care. Food stamps and gas vouchers for those that need them. Its all coming together rather well.
texans are standing proudly to help.
173 Posts
They are being brought in by busfulls up here north of Dallas, Im sure Dallas is getting even a lot more. So far a lot of help from the community. Drug stores like Walgreens and others filling prescriptions for Karina Vics without charge, etc. People opening up their homes, Free medical and screening clinics set up.Those thar need further care are being sent to the various local hosps in a rotating fashion for further work up and care. Food stamps and gas vouchers for those that need them. Its all coming together rather well.texans are standing proudly to help.
The great state of Texas can always be counted upon for helping out others. I have a special place in my heart for Texas, and her people. Good Luck.
from your neighbor to the north
med/surg flt rn
11 Posts
Yes!!!!!! I am sure Texas hospitals will get alot of our americans through ER, and are neighboring state here in Oklahoma will be here to help also as we are getting some in Muskogee, Okla.
PLEASE! Let stop call these people refugees, they are tax paying american people here in the US, I am very upset to here my people refugees, which they are not. I am a proud african american nurse here in Oklahoma, and it was sad for me to see that the minority people were tried like non-human being here in america. I am glad that they are finally getting assistance even-though it took 6-7 days later, thank god for that. And thank god my relative were able to get out of there before the hurricane broke, as they were attending college there.
traumaRUs, MSN, APRN
88 Articles; 21,277 Posts
I live way up north in central IL and we are expecting up to 500 people for temp but possible permanent relocation.
bellehill, RN
566 Posts
We've been alerted in central Ohio to expect up to 300. We are ready and willing to help.
134 Posts
They were asking for 1000 CNA's to volunteer in Austin as they had well over 5000 evacuees that needed triage and care. Our ER and hospital in Austin was well prepared. We sent as many patients home that doctors thought could go to make room for evacuees. We were in external disaster mode all weekend with security everywhere in case of looting and such. Everything ran smoothly. We were able to feed and treat many people. My heart goes out to everyone affected. We will continue to do all we can to help!
1,116 Posts
but only had one patient. We do not know why, but the EMS guys who kept coming in said they were loading up one hospital at a time .... which made no sense to us. We had two NO patients the whole weekend in our ER.
we had a bunch up here, most went triage clinic and were either treated there or were sent in to the ERs here in a rotational fashion. All were taken care of promptly
CseMgr1, ASN, RN
1,287 Posts
That's interesting. I read today that 600 evacuees are currently being treated in several metro Atlanta hospitals, with many more expected. Officials are beginning to wonder how they are going to be able to take care of all these people, in addition to the local population in the long run.