Published Aug 11, 2014
31 Posts
Okay I have been preparing for nursing school before I was accepted into a program. In January I purchased a dosage calc book and a test success book and have read both. In April I was accepted into two programs and had a tough time deciding which program to choose but finally picked the school that has the best retention and nclex pass rate. I gave my 2 weeks notice at my full-time job of 6 years last friday, my boss doesnt want me to leave and was trying to work around my school schedule but I know myself and working full-time while in NS will be too ddifficult (I did find a part-time job 12-15 hrs a week) I made a list of daily chores for my teenage son, got all my books, started the reading for my first lecture last night. Sorry for the rant but I'm just ready to start! Congrats to everone who has been accepted this year and start in the fall or spring. P.S. I love this site! I've gotten so much information that will be beneficial for nursing school.
7 Posts
Congratulations!!! I was also accepted into nursing school!!!!! I start September 2nd and I've been anxious and excited!!! My job is pretty lenient and I will only for about 16 hours a week!! I just was accepted to volunteer 3 and a half hours at the hospital I want to work at when I finish. I have a daughter starting kindergarten so I'm ready to see how this semester plays out. I have my cpr certification class on Wednesday and I'm also excited about that.... Sorry about my rant I'm just ready!!!
104 Posts
Congratulations! Sounds like you are really prepared! Enjoy the ride and remember to be kind to yourself along the way!
OnlinePersona, LPN
352 Posts
I know how you feel.... now I'm actually worried cause my store is losing one person..... that means its only me and my boss. Working fulltime AND try and hit our sales goal each month AND nursing school..... adulthood.
cracklingkraken, ASN, RN
1,855 Posts
Congratulations! I'm also starting nursing school in a few weeks. I'm extremely excited but also pretty nervous, as I'm not exactly sure what to expect. I just finished all my immunizations, physical, background check, and all that jazz, so now I just have to wait for school to actually start. Good luck to all of us!!
739 Posts
Congrats!! It's great that you are preparing yourself for what is to come.
SopranoKris, MSN, RN, NP
3,152 Posts
I know you're excited. I felt the same way last year. However, do yourself a favor and use these last few weeks to RELAX and take time to pamper yourself. You will wish you had this time back if you go full guns with prepping ahead of time. Enjoy your time with your family :)
Best of luck in nursing school! It really does fly by so quickly. I can't believe we're done in May!