Ready to Apply CT Community Colleges- Nursing Program 2011

U.S.A. Connecticut


Hello all,

It's almost that time of year again! I'm applying to the 2011 class which the application period begins this November 1st. We have two months to prepare our applications! Anyone else applying? I've seen the support the last year's class has with this sort of thread and I figured there should be one started for 2011 applicants. What is your TEAS score? GPA? A&P I grade? What were the averages that the 2010 applicants had and they are now starting the fall 2010 program?? Good luck!!!

Finally got my letter!!! I'll be at Norwalk for Fall 2011 : )

Anybody else for Norwalk? Haven't heard it mentioned by many other people... speak up!!

no... i put it as my third choice! is there a waitlist there?

I'm not sure if there's a wait-list... my letter didn't specify : ( Sorry! Best of luck to you!

Thanks! same to you!

Finally got my letter!!! I'll be at Norwalk for Fall 2011 : )

Anybody else for Norwalk? Haven't heard it mentioned by many other people... speak up!!

kangaroo621...I just got my letter for Fall 2011! Congrats! I was excited, but I just realized that I will be commuting from Milford. Oh well! Can't wait to get started. It's been 2 long yrs of pre-reqs! Glad it finally came to fruition!

Wait... You're going to Norwalk in the fall & are in Milford?? Me too... Clearly we're going to be meeting at some point!!!

Wait... You're going to Norwalk in the fall & are in Milford?? Me too... Clearly we're going to be meeting at some point!!!

OMG! I really excited now! Was Norwalk your 1st choice? It was for me. I put GWCC 2nd, but I know a couple of people who went to Norwalk, loved the prog. and really did well. Do u think u will care about the commute? Or do u not mind? What school are u currently attending if you don't mind me asking? I'm at GWCC right now. We'll have to exchange info so we can meet up at orientation! Can't wait.

Got into Capital! A in both A+P I, II, 91 on TEAS and 3.2 GPA. Eight straight months of pre-requisites, well worth it, this will definitely help me get through the last 4 weeks of classes, LOL! I'm still dancing and smiling!! :clpty:

Good luck to everyone on wait list. If anyone is interested in putting together a study group in the Somers/Enfield area, plmk!! Ciao!

Did anyone get accepted to northwestern?

OMG! I really excited now! Was Norwalk your 1st choice? It was for me. I put GWCC 2nd, but I know a couple of people who went to Norwalk, loved the prog. and really did well. Do u think u will care about the commute? Or do u not mind? What school are u currently attending if you don't mind me asking? I'm at GWCC right now. We'll have to exchange info so we can meet up at orientation! Can't wait.

Would you mind i ask that why you study at gateway and have gateway your second choice? Thanks.

Would you mind i ask that why you study at gateway and have gateway your second choice? Thanks.

It's kind of a long story. I can't go into much detail, but as I mentioned before, 2 people I know went to NCC, and had great things to say about the prog, and they are both doing really well, bcuz of the great experience they had there. NCC was just my 1st choice.

accepted to three rivers!! i was one of those people who were able to know a week before the acceptance letters came out due to the mycommnet mishap but non the less getting the letter was a joyous occassion after two yrs of pre-requs!! spring start, anyone else? and i guess for the curiousity of those who want to know stats:

GPA: 3.72 A&P I: A TEAS: 81.2

Specializes in Family Nurse Practitioner.
Did anyone get accepted to northwestern?

Jdoll, I know someone that got it to NCCC. How are you doing? How long is your break between spring and summer classes?

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