Ready to Apply CT Community Colleges- Nursing Program 2011


Hello all,

It's almost that time of year again! I'm applying to the 2011 class which the application period begins this November 1st. We have two months to prepare our applications! Anyone else applying? I've seen the support the last year's class has with this sort of thread and I figured there should be one started for 2011 applicants. What is your TEAS score? GPA? A&P I grade? What were the averages that the 2010 applicants had and they are now starting the fall 2010 program?? Good luck!!!

Specializes in New Critical care NP, Critical care, Med-surg, LTC.

From what I heard of the class for TRCC admitted in 2010/2011 the GPA cutoff from lottery was somewhere around a 3.7, most had an A in anatomy and a 88 %+ on the TEAS- but that was the old TEAS. Unfortunately, there's no real way to know what the requirements will be without knowing the applicant pool. Those sounds like good statistics, though. Good luck.

Specializes in Family Nurse Practitioner.

And the lottery is only 25% now.

Specializes in Pediatric Home Care.

I have a question about the application process...when you say they look at all grade from the past 5 years, is that only grade that you submit to the school or grades from all schools attended, regardless of whether you are transferring credits? I attended a college a couple years ago and did really terribly there, but my most recent grades are spotless. Very nervous. Sorry if I posted this in the wrong area, new to this site.

Specializes in Family Nurse Practitioner.

My GPA was calculated from all my classes/transcripts submitted.

Specializes in Pediatric Home Care.
My GPA was calculated from all my classes/transcripts submitted.

Thanks. So only the ones that you submitted? They don't go hunting down grades from previous schools unless you submit those?

Thanks. So only the ones that you submitted? They don't go hunting down grades from previous schools unless you submit those?

Kbatch.... the info packet says that you must submit ALL transcripts, regardless of whether or not they apply as transfer credits. If it says you must do this, and you ignore it... and then after being accepted they somehow find out (which, if you ever received financial aid they can find out very easily), they can kick you out for "academic dishonesty." Just keep that in mind.

Specializes in Pediatric Home Care.

Ah I see..I guess I hadn't read all the info. Well in that case I'll definitely submit all transcripts an just hope for the best! Thanks so much for taking the time to reply :)


Im applying for fall 2012 and was wondering if anyone thinks i have a chance of getting in. I have a 3.1 GPA, got an A in A&P I, and got 65% on the TEAS (but i am taking them again tomorrow and hoping for a better score!)

I also will be finishing my bachelors degree in criminal justice in May and was wondering if anyone thought if this would help with getting into either trcc or ccc?


Never know, all just depends on the applicant pool. Unfortunately, previous degrees do not count for anything. They DO calculate your GPA differently. It's not just your whole undergrad GPA. They do EVERYTHING within the past 5 years, no matter if they use it as a class that counts for the degree with them or not and anything older than 5 years that counts toward what they use. (example: I graduated college in '06, so the only thing they will use from my B.S. is what they use for their program, which is English, Psych, Math. Then all the classes from the past five years, even a Chem elective they don't need, count too.) Does that make sense? They calculate this GPA as 50% of your overall "ranking", 25% is from A&P I grade, 25% TEAS score.

And 75% of the applicants they accept are based on ranking, 25% lottery system from all eligible applicants. So, even if you don't have the highest ranking, there is still a shot of getting in. HTH.

Specializes in Family Nurse Practitioner.
Don't believe the hype! That person you talked about who wants to help has no system in place to do such a thing. There are day clinicals offered. They don't care about your commute. They make up their own questions for exams rather then out of a test bank. The clinical instructors are awesome! Hospitals right now in 102 are Yale, St Rays, Middlesex and Waterbury. I do like the program, they are very frustrating to deal with most of the time. Just fyi.
Update: you're so right about that person. She tells students to concentrate on the wrong topics for tests she is completely useless in my opinion. They aren't sending students to Middlesex this semester, Midstate is only three 13 hour OB days. I'm in 102 can't wait for 201, this semester is unorganized and our schedule changed more times than I can count. SN positions at YNHH are no longer paid. I love my clinical instructors, but the lab instructors for the required 8 hours of open lab all have different standards so its confusing when you get validated. The first semester was easier and more organized, but I'm surviving just fine. I'm learning and that is the important thing.
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