Ready to Apply CT Community Colleges- Nursing Program 2011


Hello all,

It's almost that time of year again! I'm applying to the 2011 class which the application period begins this November 1st. We have two months to prepare our applications! Anyone else applying? I've seen the support the last year's class has with this sort of thread and I figured there should be one started for 2011 applicants. What is your TEAS score? GPA? A&P I grade? What were the averages that the 2010 applicants had and they are now starting the fall 2010 program?? Good luck!!!

Specializes in New Critical care NP, Critical care, Med-surg, LTC.

I was also trying to choose between the MbEIN program at UConn and the CC program. In the end, I need to maintain my full time employment during nursing school because I'm the only income in our family right now. So that knocked out the UConn program. I've heard excellent and awful things about all three of the programs you mentioned. It's all going to come down to the source. I'm happy with the CC program thus far. Some students in my class have quite extensive complaints about the program, they site a lack of organization and unreasonable expectations. I haven't found either of those to be the case. I think the program is quite reasonable, but there's going to be a large volume of information in any 4-semester program that's giving you the knowledge base for a degree as inclusive as nursing. There's just a lot of stuff to know, so we've got to learn it. I know that the CC program in CT has a good respect level, grads are apparently well-trained for new grad experience. I've heard that UConn is also a good program, but for some students, the 11-months of hands on experience is not quite enough time to gain the same amount of proficiency as the longer CC program. The CC program is also somewhat less intense on a weekly basis. With your young one at home, you might prefer the CC schedule, but then it is 4 semesters as opposed to one year, and your son will still be quite young either way when you finish. I'm not sure about the hiring options, I hear that new grads can have difficulty no matter what program they complete. It's just the nature of the economy at the time. For the CC program at Three Rivers, they accept 48 students for both the spring and fall semesters. I believe all programs have both fall and spring start, but I don't know the enrollment numbers at other campuses.

I believe Three Rivers, Norwalk and Gateway have fall and spring semesters. Northwestern has a start of spring. Naugatuck and Capital start in the fall.

I believe you have to apply Nov to Feb for all.

Hope this helps

Good Luck

Specializes in Family Nurse Practitioner.

Some people talk about how you won't get hired without a BSN...some say you won't get hired from one of the accelerated program...

I've never heard of anyone not being hired because they attended an accelerated program, that isn't fair. Hospitals with Magnet status prefer to hire nurses with a BSN to maintain that status. I think generally most managers prefer someone with experience, if they aren't on a hiring freeze. The advice given to me was, try to get a job as a student nurse, and stand out at clinicals, in a good way.

Best of luck to everyone.

Thanks for the advice...what program are you in?

I am starting Norwalk in January. Still waiting for an answer from Northwestern.

I have info from applying last year, being waitlisted at CC and BHSN, getting letters stating the programs are full then a letter stating Norwalk had an opening. I have been on every web page. counted seats at community colleges as they filled. Hoping there was a seat for me!!!!!!!!!

I have been doing all pre- and co reqs since summer of 08, lots of time for research...

It finally paid off...

I am still nervous about January though

Good luck to you

Thanks...I started my pre-req's in the fall of 2009, right after I had my son. I'm taking microbiology right now and then I only have one more class until I am done taking the pre-req's for all the programs I am applying for! It felt so nice to finish A & P I & II this summer and be ready to apply to the CC program...can't wait til November 1st so I can submit...and then wait =)


where are you applying?

The one piece of advice i can give you is not to listen to the rumors at the school....They will make you nuts!


I'm applying to TRCC first...can't decide what order to put CCC or GWCC though, I live in Old Saybrook and am not necessarily looking for an evening program.

I'm also applying to Yale's GEPN program and UConn's MEIN program and keeping my fingers crossed!

Specializes in New Critical care NP, Critical care, Med-surg, LTC.

Allie, If you have any other questions about TRCC I'd be happy to try and help. I'm happy with the program thus far. (By coincidence I graduated from Old Saybrook high school- way back in 1992.)

Looking forward to the application being posted...not looking forward to waiting so long to hear what is going to happen! Does anyone know when decisions were made last year? Is it a letter or email notification?


They will send you a letter. I believe it was March or April we heard.

Specializes in Family Nurse Practitioner.

Six more days!! My classmates from Spring semester got their letters around the 15th of April. It is a long wait.

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