Ready to Apply CT Community Colleges- Nursing Program 2011


Hello all,

It's almost that time of year again! I'm applying to the 2011 class which the application period begins this November 1st. We have two months to prepare our applications! Anyone else applying? I've seen the support the last year's class has with this sort of thread and I figured there should be one started for 2011 applicants. What is your TEAS score? GPA? A&P I grade? What were the averages that the 2010 applicants had and they are now starting the fall 2010 program?? Good luck!!!

Specializes in New Critical care NP, Critical care, Med-surg, LTC.

Just wanted to wish all of you the best for the CC programs you're applying to. I just started my first semester, and I think the program's going to be really good.

Got my acceptance letter today for january (Norwalk) yeah!!!!!!!!!!

just waiting to hear from Northwestern since it is closer..... but I will travel anywhere!!!!!!!!!!!

Specializes in Family Nurse Practitioner.
Specializes in New Critical care NP, Critical care, Med-surg, LTC.


Congrats on your acceptance, I hope that things work out for the best for you!

Hi everyone...I'm applying for 2011 as well. All my pre-req's are done. My GPA is a 3.76 (if I'm calculating all my grades from the last 5 years correctly...) and my TEAS raw score was an 87. My first choice is TRCC, then GWCC, then CCC. Still seems like a long time until we get to apply and find out!


The wait is awful but hang in there it will all be worth it in the end!!!!!!!


You are at TRCC, right? Did they give you any stats on who got into the program? I'm applying to the Yale GEPN and UCONN MeIN programs as well. I keep hearing about how great and HOW COMPETITIVE Three Rivers is, I'm just curious about the general level of everyone's GPA and TEAS.

Thank you!


dont forget 60% get in from GPA, TEAS, and A&P I grade and the other 40 is lottery.....

I know some one with a 2.8 GPA and 68 on teas, B in A&P that is in the nursing program.....

I know how frustrating it is.....

Hang in there!!!!!!!

Specializes in New Critical care NP, Critical care, Med-surg, LTC.

As jdoll mentioned, the class is 60% highest ranking and 40% lottery based on those that met the minimum requirements. I'm not sure whether they find that those that lottery in have more difficulty getting through the program or not. I don't really know how othesr ranked in the admission process, I know a few that carry a 4.0 after pre-reqs (I'm not one of them). Someone mentioned that anyone below a 3.5 GPA would have had to lottery in because they wouldn't have ranked in the top 60%. I think that's more of a rumor, though. When I was waiting to get the letter I also was frustrated by the thought that if I didn't get in, it's not because every student in the class was more qualified than myself, but some were just luckier. I guess the system works, though, they told us that the first class to finish under this common curriculum system graduated in the spring and they had a 97% pass rate on the NCLEX and the 1 student that didn't pass the first time passed 45 days later. Good luck. I think the program is good so far, I'm taking a study break from getting ready for our second exam on Monday. If you have any other questions, I'd be happy to try to help.

Specializes in Family Nurse Practitioner.

JBmommy do you know if the drop/fail out rate changed after the new system started?

I just verified that all my supporting documents are on file, renewed my BLS, just need to print the application in one month, YEAH!!!! I finally decided which three schools, CCC, GWCC, and NVCC. I might attend the information session at GWCC 3 november since I haven't been to one for over two years.

JBMommy: I'm considering a few different programs....Yale's GEPN, UCONN's MEIN, and the CC program. I have a 1 year old and am quitting a full time job b/c I want to have a more *flexible* career to spend more time with my little priority is him, so I'm trying to figure out what the best CT program is. Some people talk about how you won't get hired without a BSN...some say you won't get hired from one of the accelerated program...have they talked about hiring at TRCC and how their grads do?

My there for my family...get my nursing degree...get a job!!!

Thank you!

Does anyone know if all of the locations have a Sept and Jan class start? Also, how many student do they take for each? I'm curious how many spots are available!

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