Reading alot of posts discussing "A" nursing students vs "C" nursing students

Nursing Students General Students


I still want to voice my opinion. Lately, I've been reading alot of post discussing "A" nursing students verses "C" nursing students. It breaks my heart that there are students that are so hung up on grades that they rather want an "A" nurse taking care of them over a "C" nurse. Come on now ! When was the last time a patient asked you what your GPA was ? When was the last time as a patient yourself you asked your nurse what her GPA was ? Nursing school is stressful enough and while I strive everyday to make A's on exams I don't. I started out with A's and now I'm hanging around with high C's. Don't me wrong, I take NS and my grades very seriously... the only difference is that I don't let my grades whether A's or C's determine what kind of nurse I'll be. I graduate in a few weeks and I'm not sure if I'll still have my above 3.0 average, but I tell you one thing I'm still going to hold my head up high and take care of patients to the best of my ability . I'll still be a nurse and no less of a nurse then my classmates that got A's through nursing school. These are nursing exams, the real test starts when you start working and providing competent care to patients. So I'm saying enough is enough ! To you students who are A students I want to give you a big :clphnds: I know you deserve your A and worked hard for it. For you students who are " C " students I want to give you a big :clphnds: as well and you also worked hard for you grade as well. No one goes into nursing school wanting to make C's all the time, however it happens. I haven't met one student that said" I'm studying my butt off for that C. Students now days are so caught up in grades instead of the true meaning of nursing. :crying2:When my pt. comes in with cardiac arrest and is in alot of pain he won't care what grades I got, he cares about my compassionate and me providing good quality care. Come on A and C students can't we all get back to what nursing really is about.A nurse is a nurse . Once you pass that nclex you are a nurse:nurse:

Thanks for letting me get this off my chest. I'm done you all can yell at me now. :sofahider

I think this nurse like myself realizes the importance of those grades will benefit them in the hiring process. Grades matter people. They show intelligence, perseverence, and the general attitude that is necessary for success in ANY profession.

AMEN! finally someone with sense! I think the nurses that are replying negatively to my posts are the C students LOL

AMEN! finally someone with sense! I think the nurses that are replying negatively to my posts are the C students LOL

there is nothing wrong with being a C student. I've gotten Cs in my classes, so what? of course those who make Cs are going to reply negatively because you are putting us down to make yourself feel better. It shows that you are insecure. If you were confident in yourself then you would not feel the need to treat those who make less than a B as being incompetent. A grade does not define me as a person, I am so much more than that

there is nothing wrong with being a C student. I've gotten Cs in my classes, so what? of course those who make Cs are going to reply negatively because you are putting us down to make yourself feel better. It shows that you are insecure. If you were confident in yourself then you would not feel the need to treat those who make less than a B as being incompetent. A grade does not define me as a person, I am so much more than that

exactly, I sense insecurity or immaturity,maybe a mix of both.

seriously I'm in shocked by some people's replies....I thought that family comes first not nursing school,people obsessed with getting As wake up,it is not all about the grades

Specializes in ER, PACU, Med-Surg, Hospice, LTC.
Some of the problem with this is that it can go either way.

Some people make C's because they just don't apply themselves and READ like they are suppose to for an understanding. Then you have people who makes C's because they have 3 kids and a husband and they are studying in between and have a job as well. THOSE are the C students I commend. EVERYBODY else, IMO, should be STRIVING for an A, because the objective is to learn and know the material for future reference. I get very frustrated with some classmates that think that its just for the grade. No! It's to learn how to be a nurse so you won't KILL PEOPLE!

I would much rather have a nurse that made A's and B's than someone who felt like kicking back and sliding by with just reading the outline's. To me, this low level of expectation from one's " self" is what is killing the nursing industry right now.

Ok. Am I reading this correctly?

You are stating that students who have kids/husband/job/ingrown toenail/etc should be commended for their "C"? They are somehow excused for not knowing the material for future reference (as you put it) because of their personal life? Their "C" is somehow acceptable, but everyone else should be reprimanded for it?

A "C" is a "C".

there is nothing wrong with being a C student. I've gotten Cs in my classes, so what? of course those who make Cs are going to reply negatively because you are putting us down to make yourself feel better. It shows that you are insecure. If you were confident in yourself then you would not feel the need to treat those who make less than a B as being incompetent. A grade does not define me as a person, I am so much more than that

There's nothing wrong with being an A student. Or a B student. C's across the board is a little questionable, especially if there's no effort involved. I wouldn't want somebody to be my nurse if they're not trying their best. Would you want an average Joe-schmo taking care of your sick or dying relative?

The beauty of nursing as a profession is that there's so much flexibility within it. It's not a one track job. You're not confined to a hospital for your entire career. Some nurses might be better at holding the hand of a dying patient, instead of taking tests in a classroom. But we also need nurses who can do research, and nurses who can fulfill the role of a practitioner, and nurses who can deliver bedside care, and nurses who can teach, and I could go on and on all day. While good grades are important, it's not the be all and end all. Attitude is a large part. Social skills are important. Technical skills are significant. This profession isn't just about regurgitating facts.

This is pretty much what I am saying. I think those that put their all into what they are passionate about are the ones we need. The rest need to rethink what they are doing. Some seem to think I am some kind of self centered, narcissistic, divisive snot or something. I'm not. I just feel that the healthcare arena really is no place for people that are not willing to sacrifice to be overachievers in all they do. Isn't that what the patient wants and needs and pays for?

haha,so B,C nursing students are not passionate about Nursing,this thread seriously is becoming a joke,usually the ones who overachieve are the one who goes in into nursing for the money,career and stability rather than for people.

Ok. Am I reading this correctly?

You are stating that students who have kids/husband/job/ingrown toenail/etc should be commended for their "C"? They are somehow excused for not knowing the material for future reference (as you put it) because of their personal life? Their "C" is somehow acceptable, but everyone else should be reprimanded for it?

A "C" is a "C".


Specializes in Telemetry & Obs.

This whole thread is soooo laughable. STUDENTS (btw, NOT "fellow nurses"...pass NCLEX, then call yourself fellow nurse) taking each other to task over grades and totally dismissing those that ARE nurses and know how important nursing knowledge is!

I'd laugh...if it wasn't so pathetic. Seriously.

I am not replying negatively and I am an A, B, and C student, so I guess you

wouldn't want to work with me?:)

I have been an LVN for 30 years, and have taught Many RNs how to operate the

IV pumps, record the meds in an emergency, etc, so, are you still convinced that I'm Not an over-achiever?

Specializes in Obstetrics, M/S, Family medicine.
haha,so B,C nursing students are not passionate about Nursing,this thread seriously is becoming a joke,usually the ones who overachieve are the one who goes in into nursing for the money,career and stability rather than for people.

beachbutterfly, take a are taking this way too personal.

You don't need to defend yourself. If you are a C student, just don't be the nurse that makes the "A is best" people say...."told you so."

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