Rant!!! Someone's using my name!


Trying to give not too much detail here since I live in an area where pratically everyone knows each other.

Tonight, one of the nurses had a tiff with a nurse on another floor, regarding Hipaa...from what I heard, she went to visit a patient that she and her husband both knew and the patient's nurse got angry because she thought it was a confidentiality breach. Another nurse told me it was pretty much a screaming match..

I'm circulating a case and get a call from the nursing supervisor. Apparently, someone gave the nurses on the floor MY first name when asked who the OR nurse was. Keep in mind I never laid eyes on this patient and I don't know him from adam. Also keep in mind that I had been in a long case the whole afternoon.

This really makes me upset. I've been there long enough that the OR people know my name so there was no excuse for this. There was another nurse from the OR that was up on the same floor dropping off a patient and by his own admission, he says he used my name. He claims because there is a nurse on the other floor with my name, but others have said he may have been trying to protect the other OR nurse. For all I know, maybe the nurse herself used my name.:nono:

Thank God, the nursing supervisor asked me a few questions and heard me out. She said she had the wrong person apparently. But, I am very angry about this. This is my professional reputation at stake and also those Hipaa fines are serious business. We also drop off a lot of patients on this particular floor, so now I'm worried that there are people up there who are going to still think it was me. My hospital, like most, is a huge rumor mill.

I'm going to discuss this with the coordinator of my service tomorrow. I don't know if the nursing supervisor took it further and discussed this issue with the guilty party and if she let the other floor know who was really involved. I cannot believe that some people are this maladjusted and just plain evil..:crying2:I'm trying to believe that it was just one big whopper of a misunderstanding.

At any rate, I feel I need to pursue this with my boss so my reputation isn't smeared. Thanks for listening.

I don't see how this could possibly be a HIPAA violation. The only thing I can think of is if she was looking at the patient's chart w/out the patient's permission. Also, are you sure someone was "using your name" vs a case of mistaken identity by a 3rd party? You did nothing wrong, I say let it go. It seems someone's trying to make a mountain out of a molehill!!

FIRED? are you serious?? I guess I don't understand why this is such a major deal. Is it possible the person who said you were on the floor thought maybe it was you? Even if he did it on purpose he should be spoken to, but FIRED? If this is considered a big deal at your hospital, I'd hate to work there! Surely there are more important things to be concerned w/other than if a nurse visits a sick neighbor? Honestly, I fail to see how your license could be "on the line"?! Just all seems a little extreme to me!

Specializes in home health.

The point as I see it is NOT someone visiting a neighbor, but the ethics of LYING and using someone else's name.

(aka Identity theft.)

What else is this person lying about? vital signs? meds given?

I've been on the receiving end of baseless accusations, and while ultimately proven false, it created a lot of stress for me, with an "official"investigation by HR, and not to mention once an accusation is out there it never really goes away (did she or didn't she)

Specializes in Operating Room.
I don't see how this could possibly be a HIPAA violation. The only thing I can think of is if she was looking at the patient's chart w/out the patient's permission. Also, are you sure someone was "using your name" vs a case of mistaken identity by a 3rd party? You did nothing wrong, I say let it go. It seems someone's trying to make a mountain out of a molehill!!

The nurse that used my name admitted to me that he did when I talked to him about it.I'm just not sure if he did it on purpose or not...I would like to think it was a mistake, but some people at this hospital do stupid stuff like that. It can be very high school at times. And I believe the floor nurses got upset more because this OR nurse made a HUGE scene. Screaming and yelling in front of patients and families is not professional.

I think I'm perfectly within reason to be upset...I'm minding my own business, taking care of my patient, and I have to deal with this nursing supervisor, calling into my room and interrogating me for something I had no part of. What if this person had called the BON over it? Seems ridiculous, but there have been cases of people calling the board over stupid things. I'm also the only person in the OR with this particular first name.

I have no intention of "letting this go". I don't think the guilty parties should be fired, but I think a write up is in order or some form of disciplinary action. People have to realize that their (stupid and ignorant) actions have consequences. Thankfully, my boss agreed with me and she's not someone you want on your bad side! Maybe these lunkheads will think next time before they shoot off their mouths. :madface:

Specializes in Operating Room.
FIRED? are you serious?? I guess I don't understand why this is such a major deal. Is it possible the person who said you were on the floor thought maybe it was you? Even if he did it on purpose he should be spoken to, but FIRED? If this is considered a big deal at your hospital, I'd hate to work there! Surely there are more important things to be concerned w/other than if a nurse visits a sick neighbor? Honestly, I fail to see how your license could be "on the line"?! Just all seems a little extreme to me!

Let's hope that this never happens to you..admittedly, it's a long shot to lose my license but who the hell needs the aggravation and stress of some moron using their name? Evidently, this WAS a big deal to someone, because the nursing supervisor got involved. I was circulating, and she went as far as to try to find someone to relieve me so she could talk to me. I live in a small state and things get around.

I don't give a rat's heiny if she's visiting her sick neighbor or not. I do care that she went up there and made a fool out of herself and now I'm getting the fallout.

I'd hate to work for a hospital where lying about ones identity/ lying about others is condoned or thought "not a big deal".

Sorry to sound confused, but are you saying this person was impersonating you (e.g. identity theft) or just said they thought it was you on the floor?

I'd hate to work for a hospital where lying about ones identity/ lying about others is condoned or thought "not a big deal".

Just to clarify, yelling in the hallway, & lying about one's identity should be grounds for disciplinary action, and handled in a quiet professional manner. However, every rumor & gossip tidbit can't possibly be followed up on, and one has to choose their battles. It may be harder w/smalltown mentality at play here- hence the 'high school' behavior.

I misunderstood. I thought she was violating HIPPA and caught then giving your name to the patient so she wouldn't get in trouble for it. I still don't wouldn't want anyone else saying they were me. I think there should be some kind of punishment. It was highly unethical.

Specializes in Operating Room.

I'll clarify...the floor nurses wanted to know who the disruptive OR nurse was and they were given my name. There were two OR nurses up there at the time, the one causing the scene,(Nurse A) and one who was up there dropping off his patient.(Nurse B) By Nurse B's own admission, he used my name when asked to identify who the offending nurse was. Supposedly, this was a mistake, but I don't really buy this 100%. Nurse B is a nice guy, but can bust your agates when he wants to.

Nurse A is taller than me, has a different hair color and we work in completely different specialties. Both Nurse A and I know Nurse B well, so there is zero chance he thought I was her. Plus, I do one specialty exclusively, and work in a different part of the OR.

Update, both parties have been spoken to tonight and I took the initiative to go up to this particular floor and I let them know that the wrong name was given. I also filled out an incident report just for documentation so I'm sure I'm covered.

Thanks for the update Witchy- I am glad you covered yourself in this matter~

I'm glad there was an incident report. I don't trust people who lie to make trouble.

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