GadgetRN71 ASN, RN

Operating Room

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About GadgetRN71

GadgetRN71 has 18 years experience as a ASN, RN and specializes in Operating Room.

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  1. GadgetRN71

    Coworkers Going Out During Pandemic, Hospital Admin Hypocrisy...

    Yes. I wear my mask and social distance but I still go out to eat, I go shopping and I’m going to Disney World in a few months. I will take precautions but I’m not going to stop living my life.
  2. I say option 3. You are happy where you are. Stay there, gain experience and pursue that Women’s Health NP. Not to slam L&D but they can be very tough on new grads and/or people they perceive as not “fitting in”.
  3. GadgetRN71

    What is up with the level of entitlement?

    Yes! Some are great but when I worked screening patients during the beginning of the pandemic ( when surgeries were canceled) the Boomers were the ones getting us grief about not allowing visitors up or asking them to wear their mask correctly, or as...
  4. GadgetRN71

    What is up with the level of entitlement?

    How about the people that went into nursing for all three reasons? I mean, I like taking care of people and I believe being compassionate is important. However, if nursing paid terribly, I wouldn’t be doing it. The fact that it’s recession proof i...
  5. GadgetRN71

    What is up with the level of entitlement?

    Yup, some of the biggest princesses I’ve seen are the long haulers. They aren’t ready to retire but don’t want to work anymore. So, they just skate by..and talk about whining. If anyone is “running to management”, it’s been the older ones in my exper...
  6. You hit the nail right on the head. This doesn’t just apply to new grads either. Many places have poor orientations for any nurse coming in...I recently left a job that paid extremely well after only about two months. There was a poor workplace cultu...
  7. GadgetRN71

    Despite High Demand For Nurses, Colleges Aren't Keeping Up

    Yes, this. I myself am looking to get out of the OR for the last portion of my career. I like where I am now but I cannot imagine doing this in my late 50’s, early 60s and beyond. My boss is great but he’s the exception. Far too many places are run b...
  8. GadgetRN71

    Despite High Demand For Nurses, Colleges Aren't Keeping Up

    Regarding the new nurses that started during the pandemic, the abbreviated orientation problem doesn’t only apply to floor nurses. We had two new hires that started right when the pandemic hit so they got a trial by fire orientation to the OR. First...
  9. GadgetRN71

    I Really Do Not Want the COVID Vaccine ?

    I have seen posts from people who claim that they are being made to take the vaccine as a condition of employment. Granted, not too many people have said this, but there are a few. Discussion is fine but topics like this bring out the Marty...
  10. GadgetRN71

    Time to leave the OR? Options

    Excellent, congratulations! I think you’ll find having a solid orthopedics foundation will help in the long run. My two specialties are Ortho and Opthalmology and it’s been beneficial, since those are two specialties that people avoid like the plague...
  11. GadgetRN71

    I Really Do Not Want the COVID Vaccine ?

    With all due respect, whether to receive the vaccine or not is a personal decision. It doesn’t matter if it’s for religious, medical or other reasons. If you want it, get it. I am choosing to wait, I have my reasons and I do not have to explain them ...
  12. GadgetRN71

    NBC's The Nurses - Just another nurse show?

    There was a show on HBO called “Getting On” that was extremely realistic, especially when it came to workplace dynamics and such. It was based off of a British show by the same name. It was really good and at times had me hysterical with laughter. ( ...
  13. GadgetRN71

    I Really Do Not Want the COVID Vaccine ?

    This is how I feel and experience has borne it out. I’ve worked with mostly male teams and places with no males. The female heavy teams were full of gossip, backbiting and general nastiness. ?‍♀️
  14. GadgetRN71

    Time to leave the OR? Options

    I honestly would start looking at other ORs. It’s sounding like they are unreasonable to begin with, because it can take up to two years before you are 100% comfortable. And, you are working in a large place with high acuity cases.
  15. GadgetRN71

    I Really Do Not Want the COVID Vaccine ?

    Yup. But it doesn’t surprise me. Nursing is full of the self righteous, and the judgmental. I think it’s because it’s so female centric..I hate to slam my own gender but it’s the truth.