Published May 29, 2008
joyflnoyz, LPN
356 Posts
OK, I've been looking through the TX BON site for so long, my eyes are starting to lose focus..
i work 4 days a week. administration is pushing hard for me to do 5. don't want to. Didn't work today, even though I rcvd numerous phone calls. Now are putting intense pressure on me to pick up a shift that begins less than 8 hrs after I leave the previous shift. I'll get about 4.5 hrs of sleep. *IF* I do agree can I invoke safe harbor? I'm not sure, but it does look like Safe Harbor is NOT taken lightly...
(I am going to try and work it out to pick up a different shift)
morte, LPN, LVN
7,015 Posts
OK, I've been looking through the TX BON site for so long, my eyes are starting to lose focus.. i work 4 days a week. administration is pushing hard for me to do 5. don't want to. Didn't work today, even though I rcvd numerous phone calls. Now are putting intense pressure on me to pick up a shift that begins less than 8 hrs after I leave the previous shift. I'll get about 4.5 hrs of sleep. *IF* I do agree can I invoke safe harbor? I'm not sure, but it does look like Safe Harbor is NOT taken lightly...(I am going to try and work it out to pick up a different shift)
why are you allowing this? and before you try safe hrbor, search on a.n. to see what has happened to nurses that have.....
Valerie Salva, BSN, RN
1,793 Posts
Just say NO.
49 Posts
try this:
TheCommuter, BSN, RN
102 Articles; 27,612 Posts
Why is it so hard to refuse extra shifts that you apparently don't want to fill? If you don't wish to work the extra shifts, just say, "No!" Do not budge or give into the pressure to solve the facility's staffing woes.
In addition, Safe Harbor frequently incites hellish problems for nurses who choose to invoke it. If you choose to invoke it, tread carefully (and have another job lined up).
1,348 Posts
Safe Harbor does not protect you from mandatory OT or working a shift with too little time between end of first shift and beginning of next shift.
Safe Harbor is for unsafe working conditions generally associated with short staffing/poor assignments. Safe Harbor does not allow you to refuse an assignment or leave the hospital. It is more of a reporting mechanism to say that you have concerns over the assignment of care and if there is a lawsuit, you MIGHT have a leg to stand on if you made an error and the plaintiff's attorney discovers you filed Safe Harbor paperwork.
Safe Harbor is a joke. As a manager I've had nurses come to me threatening Safe Harbor on a daily basis. When they find out that it takes LOTS of time to fill out all the paperwork and that they have a limited period of time to fill it out, and that they STILL are required to finish their shift -they have always given up on the idea of filing Safe Harbor.
Safe Harbor is not meant to protect nurses - just like the BON is not there to protect nurses. Safe Harbor is just a way to lull nurses into a false sense of security and intimidate them into keeping quiet.
Unfortunately in TX, there is no recourse for understaffing or for being pressured to work extra.
For your current problem: buy a phone with a ringer you can turn off when you are sleeping. Always have caller ID and let the machine take any calls from work or any calls that are Unknown name/number or both. Never give your cell number to coworkers or employer.
I REALLY appreciate all the replies-- I've learned a lot..
I have no problem saying "NO"..this was an unusual circumstance..a couple of nurses on vacation, prn people already picking up shifts, one nurse hospitalized, another with a death in the family. I help out where I can, (and want to!) more frequently say no than yes..
10-6 nurse came in last night at 2030, I was home by 2130, asleep at 2230 and up a 0430. I can do 6 hours of sleep (this last couple of months that seems to be my norm..maybe D/T perimenopause??) clocked in at 0630, out at 1430 I've been at this facility more than 4 years, and have worked day shift maybe twice. The GOOD news is I know the residents on the floor, bad news not the 6-2 routine.. Time went by fast and I am much wiser RE: "safe harbor". I'm home, gonna grab a shower, a bite to eat and a nap.