I wanted to get some feedback on my recent experiances at work. One of my co-workers came up to me and said that he and several other nurses had been talking about me, and had decided that I needed to "prove" myself. I was told that many of the movers and shakers in the unit would come to work 1hr early to assure that they got critical assignments (I work in a PICU), and would throw tantrums if not given good assignments. I've always held strong to the belief that it doesn't matter how sick the patient appears, if they are here, they are here for a reason. Anywho, I go to work and give my patients the best care possible, and I consider my work fulfilling regardless of the level of care the pt requires- the most important intervention is sometimes just a smile, or a willing ear.
I've never been the type of person willing to play games, I come to work, and am polite and sociable to all of my co-workers. Regardless, I have discovered this undercurrent of jealousy and competition running rampant. Do I really have to play the game to get ahead? Will I never take care of the "critical" pts just b/c i'm not interested in all the b.s. politics that abound on the floor? My tact so far (I started there as a graduate RN 2yrs ago) is just to go in, ignore the crap as much as possible and take care of my pt's needs. Why do I feel like a bad nurse for doing that? What do I really have to prove- that I am a good nurse, or that I am politically savvy?