Published Jul 1, 2005
255 Posts
I have a question for you ladies that I hope you can answer. I just dropped and online math class, it was my first one, and I couldn't do it because I now know Im more of a visual learner. So my question is for those of you that have gotten into nursing school do they look at classes that you drop and wonder why you drop them or what. I've also retaken a class that I had a lower grade in(C to B), do they usually ask what happen in those cases. Thanks in advance.
43 Posts
You know, I'm worried myself.. I start next tuesday on my summer classes, and I have an online math class.. I'm the same way in that I am more of a visual learner.. I'm a little worried about it as well... Could you tell me what all gave you troubles??? I've never had an online class before either...
GrnHonu99, RN
1,459 Posts
Ive only ever taken one online term...I thought it was kinda difficult just bc it was online..the stuff wasnt hard but I thought it was harder to complete things bc we had some stringent time guidelines...we only had 10 mins etc for quizzes, loooong each excersize was timed and you were graded on your speed...I dunno, I did well and I did like that I didnt have to actually go to class for it:)
Fun2, BSN, RN
5,586 Posts
I took an online college algebra, and for myself found it better than the instructor I dropped (couldn't understand his accent!)
Anyway....I have taken other classes over. I really think it all depends on your school. With the program I plan to apply to, the lady that talked in the information session actually told us if we don't get in the first time, try looking to see if there are any classes we can retake to get the grade up. (It goes by prereq GPA, then by non-nursing course credits, then by non-nursing course GPA.)
Good luck. I think most schools will not look too badly at it. If you are determined to finish school, and are smart enough to know you can't handle something at that time, then it is better to drop and retake than to fail a course, and quit school. :)
Good luck! :)
To answer your question, for me it was hard because I have to see someone write it out on the board, but thats just me. I couldnt really get it and I'm not really good with math. Now I've taken an online class before, nutrition, and I got a B and you have to be really really motivated I think because there's noone to teach.
thanks for helping I hope they wont look at me as I didn't try hard enough or something because Im going above and beyond what I expected myself to do. I just have a thing with math and alway have and so I know me actually being in the classroom will be better.
Tweety, BSN, RN
35,863 Posts
It hasn't stopped me. I have a lot of drops on my record. I dropped A&P a couple of times, dropped Statistics once, dropped several more. I used to be the dropout King. I've been to three schools and no one has asked me about them.
121 Posts
I don't think the admission team looks at things like that. Also, if you take a class over I don't think it shows up on the official transcript, I might be wrong about that. I retook a class for a better grade and I was just accepted into the Nursing Program. I wouldn't worry too much about things like that. Just study hard and let God take care of the rest.:)
txspadequeenRN, BSN, RN
4,373 Posts
I have dropped many hours and they never asked me. They just looked at my last grade. Although I did wonder what they were thinkning while they were shifting through all those D's and F's to find the A's and B's
Thanks guys.