Published Jul 19, 2007
36 Posts
Hi all,
Looking for some words of encouragement please!
I took my NCLEX yesterday. My test shut off at 75. It took me a little under 2 hours. Feels like a blur...I can't remember a lot of specific questions. I had about 5 select all that apply (which I rarely get right) One problem that had a med calculation. Lots of questions with meds that I had no idea about/ never heard of. Lots of who would you see first kind of questions. Only one question that involved lab values. I know I got some wrong (I was stupid and tried to look up answers afterwards...not a good way to decrease my sky high anxiety). I know I got some right.
I did Kaplan (last 3 Q-Trainers: 62, 66, readniess test was in the passing range), answered every question in the Saunders comprehensive book. My ATI gave me a 95% probability of passing. BUT...
I feel like I failed, which I know is pretty normal.
I was doing okay until last night, when I became convinced that I would be the only person out of our class that fails (humiliating). I started thinking about if I fail, my employer may not be able to hold my job...I'll have to find another non-nursing job, and study again! It's only been 24 hours since the test and I'm driving my fiancé crazy.
I feel so depressed. I have orientation on Monday at the hospital that hopefully I'll be working for ...which I can't even imagine being able to get enough of a grip to attend to right now. This waiting game is horrible. I wouldn't wish it on my worst enemy.
Any words of encouragement, stories about your testing experience, advice on how you coped would be greatly appreciated.
Thanks and good luck to everyone else who is waiting for their results!
97 Posts
Hang in there. Your test sounds alot like mine. I too had 75 and passed. The one thing that kept me going is that 85% of people pass the first time. Those are great odds, especially with your kaplan scores (which are about the same as mine). You will pass, just keep thinking positive.
Thanks norcalRNstudent!
Your response helps and I appreciate it!
I know that the odds are in my favor... But I just keep thinking "what if..." Gotta stop that!
Thanks again!
ohmeowzer RN, RN
2,306 Posts
i passed w/ 75 questions and on one q trainor i got 41% lol... i bet you passed
Nurseismade RN
379 Posts
Hi Jen
the waiting is the worse I also found out today that I passed. I too had 75 questions that sound very similar to yours......
I only did question trainer 5,6,7 and the highest I got was 60 and the lowest was trainer 7 got 56.....
so I guess what i am saying is that there is no way you did not pass this......
kaplan is the best........
29 Posts
Hi all,Looking for some words of encouragement please!I took my NCLEX yesterday. My test shut off at 75. It took me a little under 2 hours. Feels like a blur...I can't remember a lot of specific questions. I had about 5 select all that apply (which I rarely get right) One problem that had a med calculation. Lots of questions with meds that I had no idea about/ never heard of. Lots of who would you see first kind of questions. Only one question that involved lab values. I know I got some wrong (I was stupid and tried to look up answers afterwards...not a good way to decrease my sky high anxiety). I know I got some right. I did Kaplan (last 3 Q-Trainers: 62, 66, readniess test was in the passing range), answered every question in the Saunders comprehensive book. My ATT gave me a 95% probability of passing. BUT...I feel like I failed, which I know is pretty normal. I was doing okay until last night, when I became convinced that I would be the only person out of our class that fails (humiliating). I started thinking about if I fail, my employer may not be able to hold my job...I'll have to find another non-nursing job, and study again! It's only been 24 hours since the test and I'm driving my fiancé crazy.I feel so depressed. I have orientation on Monday at the hospital that hopefully I'll be working for ...which I can't even imagine being able to get enough of a grip to attend to right now. This waiting game is horrible. I wouldn't wish it on my worst enemy.Any words of encouragement, stories about your testing experience, advice on how you coped would be greatly appreciated. Thanks and good luck to everyone else who is waiting for their results!-Jen
I did Kaplan (last 3 Q-Trainers: 62, 66, readniess test was in the passing range), answered every question in the Saunders comprehensive book. My ATT gave me a 95% probability of passing. BUT...
Hello Jen,
I'm from Boston. I also took the test yesterday at 75 questions, 5 select all that apply, 1 calculation, and a bunch of meds that now, i'm not so sure of. I am still hoping and believing for the best. I hope by tommorow we will both get good news. Remember you are not the only one feeling this way, take care and stay cool
jessi1106, BSN, RN
486 Posts
Jen, I tested yesterday as well. Sounds like we had a similar experience..I also had 5 or so check all that apply, lots of priority and lots of meds...My computer shut off at 75. I did not feel good about that test...and I too am waiting. Won't be long now until we know....Thank goodness I had to work today to take my mind off it..but then all of my coworkers kept asking me how I thought I did....oh how horrible it would be to have to go in and say I failed....Lets stay positive, I bet soon we will both find out we passed. Let me know!
Thanks everyone so much for you support...for those still waiting (tutugirlBSN and jessi1106) I will try to think positively for all of us! Nothing on the BRN website today...but I am in California and it takes awhile here...hopefully Monday or Tuesday? Most of my friends found out in less than a week.
Congratulations nurseinthemaking!! You ARE a NURSE!!!
...I'm feeling much better today, even if things don't go well, I think I can handle it now.
Thanks everyone so much for you support...for those still waiting (tutugirlBSN and jessi1106) I will try to think positively for all of us! Nothing on the BRN website today...but I am in California and it takes awhile here...hopefully Monday or Tuesday? Most of my friends found out in less than a week.Congratulations nurseinthemaking!! You ARE a NURSE!!!...I'm feeling much better today, even if things don't go well, I think I can handle it now.
I found out i passed today at 2pm. Oh my gosh, i am the happiest young girl in Boston today. I am keeping my fingers crossed for you dear as i hope you will recieve the same news soon. Take care and stay cool......:balloons:
Congratulations to you TutugirlBSN!!! ...You mean the happiest young NURSE in Boston!!! :yelclap:
I am sorry you have not gotten your results yet. How long does it take for california to post results? I guess it's different everywhere.
Yes dear and i am keeping my fingers crossed for you too. Same news will come your way, i can feel it in my bones. Keep me posted, till then take care and stay cool.