# of questions on the NCLEX


Hey everybody,

I just got home from taking the NCLEX and I am so upset. I got around 125 questions and I know I got the last question wrong b/c I looked it up just now. Does that mean I failed? Please help!!!

Specializes in post-op.

As you will see on numerous other threads, the number of questions does not matter. Also the getting the last questions right or wrong does not mean anything. From what I have been told it is the types of questions that you get. For example, I have heard that getting priority type questions is a good thing :) Good luck and post when you get your passing results ;)

Good advice above. I would go even further and tell you not to bother going back to look up any questions at all. It will only serve to drive you bananas.

Thank you so much for your responses. I have been panicing and upset for the past few hours. I am calming down now, but I still dont understand why the computer would cut off after I got the last question wrong. If it had found me competent regardless of how I answered that question, why didnt it cut off before that question?

Thanks! :monkeydance:

I got 220+ questions , got the last question wrong and passed!

I'm virtually certain that it's a myth, because I've heard too many stories like AmyD's. Maybe question 125 for you was an unscored practice question?At any rate, you made me curious, so I emailed NCSBN for some clarification. I'll post the response when I get it.

I just wanted to let you know that I got around 125 questions on my NCLEX last year and PASSED!! You probably did too!! Try to find something to occupy your time until you find out...I know easier said than done. Good luck and let us know how you did!!

Specializes in ICU.

Took my exam this AM too. I honestly didn't remember a question or answer choices well enough to "look up" until the drive home... I had about a half hr of perfect memory of my exam... and yes, I did miss what I looked up. (kinda freaked me out) But, it was the same during course exams- I only remembered what I didn't know on any one exam... so... I am trying hard to shake it off...

You know when I was reading the info on the screen prior to the exam, it said that the CAT would be 95% sure that you failed or passed. Is the level of difficulty part of the equation in regard to the 95%? It is on the online Mosby CAT. I do not think it is as simple as last one right= Pass, last one wrong= Fail.

Well wishes,


Alright, well, the reply I got from NCSBN was quick, but it looked to be computer-generated (kinda like those computer tech support replies you get sometimes) and it didn't answer our specific question. We're back to square one as far as explaining the why, but members' personal experiences on here have shown that last question thing to not hold up.

Specializes in Cardiac.

I definately got my last question wrong! It was on the eye!!!

If you look up the answers to the questions you remember, keep in mind that we all get 50% of the questions right, and 50% of them wrong. That's just how the test works. Of course, this means that you will surely remember a whole lot of questions that you got wrong.

I am still waiting for the good/bad news. It should be posted tomorrow by 9am. I have been a nervous wreck all day. But it does make me feel better that others have missed their last question and still passed. I hope I will be another one. I will let you know when I find out the results. Thanks everybody!!!!!


Specializes in ICU.

Let's not forget that 15 questions do not count. Does anyone know for sure if the "test" exam questions are set up to pop up at the appropriate level of difficulty? They may or may not?

My point is- there are too many variables associated with this type of test to "assume" anything. For example, I may have flipped out during my exam if a math calculation would have popped up. Why? Because, the latest trend on this board (since I started reading regularly), is priority+no math=pass. But, it's not true. People get math and do pass (and fail). People get the last question wrong and pass (and fail). etc...

I have been reading and reading to see who's exam experience matches mine. I am joining the ranks of all those who are a little frazzled by the experience, and I want to make sense of it. But, as most of you know the only thing that will ease my uncertainty if know my actual results.

Courtney, I hope you do not have to wait long to know how you did. I will know on Friday!

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