75 Questions on NCLEX, pass or fail?

Nursing Students NCLEX


  1. 75 Questions on NCLEX-- Did you Pass or fail?

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I see lots of posts about passing or failing with 75 questions, just curious what the stats are. I would like to think that nursing school prepares us enough that those who get 75 are mostly passing?

Took my boards and had 75 questions and passed and I believe most people I have talked to who have gotten 75 questions passed. Never can tell though. If anyone is looking for a really good nclex review, try Hurst Review. It is awesome. You can see if there are live lectures in your area or you can do the online version which is what I did. VERY helpful and has a 98% pass rate. If you graduated less than 6 months ago and you take the review and don't pass, you get your money back!

I just found out i passed!!!!! 3rd time is a charm!!

SDtoKY said:
I just found out i passed!!!!! 3rd time is a charm!!

Yeah, that's great!!!:yeah:

Specializes in LTC, med-surg, trauma.

Are you SURE you failed? I got "cut off" at 75 questions on my first try and cried all the way across the border (I'm Canadian and did the NCLEX in Montana). I've never had good vibes after writing an exam, but you know what? The next a.m., I logged into the Minnesota BON site and saw that I passed! Try not to be so hard on yourself, and I'll keep my fingers and toes crossed for you. :nurse:

I felt confident, but my classmate that failed made me doubt myself. She was one of the smartest in our class. Hopefully I will find out by Monday. Thanks for the crossed toes:)

Same here. I had a friend who failed at 75. But then again she had a panic attack and is also pregnant. But she retook it last week and passed with 265 questions

I got my results today, I passed! I am so happy, waiting was horrible!:)

DinaMarie said:
I got my results today, I passed! I am so happy, waiting was horrible!:)

Good job!!!!

Specializes in LTC, med-surg, trauma.

DinaMarie -- hooray!!! All the best to you in your new nursing career!!! :yeah:

Specializes in LTC, med-surg, trauma.

SDtoKY -- way to go! Best of luck! :yeah:

To DinaMarie and YEGRN - Good luck to the both of you. Now let's go save some lives!


Specializes in medical-surgical.

i took the NCLEX-RN exam today my computer shut down @ 75 @ about 2 hours and 24 minutes...some questions are easy coz i came across them when i was reviewing for the past 3 days... and most questions are difficult... yes 3 days.. i only have 3 days of consistent review i didnt have enough review for its difficult if youre alone reviewing...2 heads are still better than 1... im off from college 2 years ago and its hard seriously... i still have headache from the exam... im so nervous about the result... i tried the pvt thing and it just brings me to my account which says "your exam results are not available at this time" what does that mean? is it something positive? or what? please enlighten me.. i also check BON tried to verify my license and it says ACTIVE and there is a license number... is it possible that they already have the result few hours after the exam? cant wait to see the final result which i am hoping it says you PASSED!!! LORD YOUR WILL BE DONE... i will accept wholeheartedly your plans for me... if you think by passing the NCLEX-RN exam i can help more people... please let me pass...

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