Questioning ethics/legality of "bake-sale" threat


I am a student currently enrolled in a nursing program, which I guess, also automatically enrolls you in the "Nursing Club".

The Nursing Club is holding a bake sale in a couple of weeks. A few people volunteered to bring in some goodies and some people volunteered to work.

After eveyone signed up, the nursing club "president" announced that anyone that was not working or bringing in baked goods would be "penalized" (using that exact word) five dollars.

This is the second time that the nursing club has made a spontaneous request for money. I was questioning the legality of the circumstances when a similar circumstance had happened previously.

I feel that most people are just going to pay the money to silence the president, but I don't think that I would be comfortable doing that.

Any advice?

I don't want to be rude, but I feel that we may be taken advantage of.

Mind you, there is nothing in our handbook or syllabi requesting that we must partake in such event.

Any advice would be helpful.


Specializes in ICU.

What exactly is the "nursing club"? What does the money go towards? I wouldn't think they could force you to pay money unless there was some sort of contract that you signed but...I really have no clue. This seems really weird if you did not voluntarily join the group.

I believe its supposed to go toward our pinning ceremony.

Specializes in L&D.

You need to find out more details.

We pay $5 a quarter and that goes towards the pinning ceremony account.

Find out what exactly the money goes toward, You may also want to have your school governing authority to investigate or do an audit of the club's practices particularly the fiscal end. Not too long ago it came to light a member of the PTO was embezzling money from the organization to pay for personal bills. This sounds very suspicious and you should be very cautious.

Specializes in Hospital Education Coordinator.

how does this person plan to collect it if you refuse to fork it over? I agree with above post. Demand accountability first.

I can see how its possible if it is going towards the pinning ceremony, everyone should be accountable for coming up with the money for it, the responsibility should not fall on everyone else. If it is for charities then I do not think that they should force you to pay.

Specializes in oncology, MS/tele/stepdown.

Make sure you are required to participate; at my school, we pay a fee for our ceremony via our tuition, not through our student government or student nurses' association. Now, our SNA is holding fundraisers to get NSNA ropes for our graduation, but participation in SGA or SNA is optional.

If it is optional, and you really are uncomfortable or unable to contribute $5, then say so. It is nobody's business if it is not a requirement.

School organizations are required to have a faculty advisor...I would discuss this with the advisor.

If it's the advisor that is doing this, I can tell you that they cannot require you to pay a fine for not participating in a charity event.

Our nursing organization sold some things to raise money for pinning, but I never had time. I just gave them $20 and said this was in lieu of selling such and such.

Specializes in retired LTC.

Like all the other posters have commented, you need to investigate more about the 'club's' function, goals, etc. Maybe you need to see the group's financial statement or 'treasurer's report' for validation.

If the group is legitimate, you'll need to make your decision to 'contribute' or not. Just know if you opt OUT, you may not be able to participate in other activities that may seem more to your liking. Sometimes I found it was easier to participate, albeit marginally, just to save face and be a 'member'.

Just know, this kind of activity is a harbinger for the future in that these activities occur in the workplace also, ie coworkers' kids' Girl Scout cookies, Avon sales, Christmas card/gift wrap sales, etc. Then there's the obligatory Recreation/Activity Dept donation drive and subsequent sale to raise dept funds for resindent activities. (I used to be an Avon lady and had loads of unused items to give away - they loved it!) Sometimes, it would just be the request for baked goods and I would somehow oblige.

You will also be hit up for collections for leaves of absence for illness, maternity, deaths, various misfortunes, etc for coworkers, their relatives, their pets, etc etc etc. I personally have problems with these collections . Somebody ALWAYS seems to be collecting something for someone else.

This is a fact of life in the healthcare workplace, so you'll need to be aware. I always found it a bit ODD that most places have an employee handbook rule about NO SOLICITING while on duty. Hmmmmmm.

In short no.

Your tuition will have an activities portion in each credit hour. It will be something small like 3-6 dollars but those funds cover student activities which your club will need to obtain from their student government officers.

I agree with talking to the faculty advisor and if that doesn't clear things up find your student activites/student life/etc office and ask them.

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